trends chapter 16 Flashcards

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nurses and community officials are working together to ensure that churches and schools have needed supplies to provide shelter for large numbers of individuals in the event of a natural or manmade disaster. these activities represent which phase of a disaster continuum?



a terrorist incident has occurred, resulting in a possible exposure to smallpox. what term would be used to classify this incident?



the metropolitan medical response system is accurately described by which statement?

it consists of responders who have obtained specialized training and equipment to deal with mass casualty events.


a community in the new madrid fault zone experiences an earthquake resulting in injuries from propelled objects and abrasions for many victims. the local supply of antibiotics is quickly exhausted. local authorities would contact which agency for access to the needed medication?

strategic national stockpile


what is the focus of care during the relief response phase of a disaster resulting from a dirty bomb?

treatment for burns and poisoning is provided for victims


a nurse learns of a mass casualty disaster following a known terrorist attack. on arriving at the scene, the nurse knows that care will be based on what fact regarding these situations?

the same ground rules practiced in other settings and during smaller crises will be applicable


nurses caring for the victims of a mass casualty incident based on what principle?

triaging will give priority for care to those with the greatest chance of survival rather than those most critically ill


during a community health fair, the disaster medical assistance team informs participants that every community must be ready to provide disaster care. a participant asks, in a disaster, the local community cannot possibly be effective, so why not have a plan to call federal agencies immediately to provide relief? how should the DMAT respond to this question?

the community is essentially the first responder to any disaster


a nurse who is conducting a staff in service on the phases of a disaster continuum teaches participants that, during the impact/response stage, activities focus on what?

initiating effective, appropriate response activities


following a terrorist attack, victims are exhibiting posttraumatic stress syndrome, and care providers are exhibiting compassion fatigue. which federal response system should be initiated to begin to address victim and provider psychosocial needs?

metropolitan medical response system


the crisis communication officer may first inform the public or health care facility of a disaster or an act of terrorism. what is the primary responsibility of this representative regardining information regarding the event?

to provide understandable and straightforward facts about the event within the facility and possibly to the news media


the disaster medical assistance team works quickly to contain contaminants from a chemical plant explosion. afterward, personnel undergo a special process to remove harmful chemicals from equipment and supplies. this removal process is referred to by what term?



a group of local volunteers have completed an emergency response course and are able to assist with triage of injured citizens. they also particpate in local health fairs to teach residents how to react during tornadoes. the responders are members of what organization?

medical reserve corps


troops from the united states participating in a peace mission in a foreign country were the victims of suicide bombers and many soldiers were evacuated back home to receive specialized medical care. the nations medical responses will be augmented by what organization?

the federally coordinated national disaster medical system


the federal bureau of investigation has determined from a reliable source that a bomb is in the possession of a known terrorist group and the likely target is a government building in the local community. what term is used to identify this situation?

credible threat


the emergency response team responded to a terrorist attack where hundreds of people died following symptoms of chest tightness, palpitations, seizures, and finally paralysis. a colorless odorless liquid known as sarin (GB) was the agent, which is primarily inhaled with limited exposure through the skin. the concentration of sarin has not been measured. what level is the minimum level of personal protection and safety equipment that would be needed?



a state is devastated by a tornado killing many people, destroying communication systems, utility services, homes, and medical facilities. the state requests immediate assistance from the U.S. congress and from surrounding states. the affected state should first contact what agency?

emergency management assistance compact


a nurse is interested in learning the phases of the disaster continuum and realizes it has many similarities to the nursing process. to better understand the phases of a disaster, which is true when comparing the phases of the disaster continuum to the nursing process?

the preparedness phase of the disaster continuum is consistent with the assessment and planning steps of the nursing process


in the preparedness phase for disasters, the community plans for a possible terrorist attack using anthrax as the weapon of destruction. what treatments and/or preparations would be needed?

vaccines and level B personal protection equipment


health care professionals have been activated to respond to a disaster, and the registered nurse who is coordinating the effort realizes that fact about the situation? SATA

in the event of a mass casualty incident, care is prioritized to those who have the greatest chance of surviving

communities should use their own resources first to attempt to stabilize and organize the response


when teaching community preparedness for a community group, the nurse explains that components of the national disaster medical system provide assistance in what form? SATA

creating teams of health care providers who are experts and have specialized supplies and equipment

facilitating patient evacuation form the disaster area to an unaffected area

arranging for hospitalization in federal and volunteer nonfederal acute care hospitals



the emergency preparedness term that is used to describe the process of limiting the emergency within a well-defined area is __________




the term used during a pandemic disaster that refers to the attempt to contain germs by limiting socialization and personal interactions is _________

social distancing