Which of the following statements is NOT true about the medical term cirrhosis?
All of these are true

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term hepatosclerosis?
hepato (liver) + scler (hardening) + osis (condition) = hardening of the liver

What root refers to the first of the three sections of the small intestine and literally means "twelve"?

Identify and define the root in the term glossoplasty.
glosso - tongue

Read the following excerpt from a health record:
Colonoscopy confirmed the diagnosis of ulcerative
colitis. One year ago, she developed toxic megacolon,
which eventually led to surgical intervention. She had been doing well
until 3 months ago, when she started reporting fatigue, general
pruritis, and pain in her RUQ. Her primary provider
referred her again for evaluation. She reports some history of
steatorrhea, but denies bright red blood.
Which of the following statements is NOT true, given this
health record information?
The patient has experienced some hematemesis.

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term pancreatoduodenectomy into its component parts?

A tube inserted through the nose into the stomach is abbreviated:
What are the correct definitions for the medical terms underlined
Laboratory Data:
Significant for
increased LFTs
, hypoalbuminemia
, and hyperbilirubinemia
LFTs = liver function tests
hypo (under) + albumin (albumin) + emia
(blood condition) = not enough albumin in the blood
hyperbilirubinemia: hyper (over) +
bilirubin (bilirubin) + emia (blood condition) = too
much bilirubin in the blood
Translate the root proct/o.
Anus and rectum

Which part of the body is NOT part of the UGI tract?
Translate the root odont/o.

The left hypochondriac region of the abdomen is in which quadrant of the abdomen?

What root refers to the tube that connects the mouth and the stomach?

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term
underlined in the health record below?
Past Medical History: Ulcerative colitis. Toxic
Past Surgical History: Total colectomy with
ilieorectal anastomosis
Family History: Mother with ulcerative colitis.
Medications: Daily vitamin.
Ilieorectal anastomosis breaks into ileo (ileum) + rect (rectum) + al (pertaining to) + ana (up/out) + stom (mouth) + osis (condition) = creation of an opening between the ilium and rectum.

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term gastroenterocolitis into its component parts?

Translate the root sigmoid/o.
The portion of the large intestine at the end before the rectum

What is the correct translation and definition of the abbreviation FOBT?
Fecal occult blood test - a test of the feces to discover blood not visibly apparent

Identify and define the root in the term gingivectomy.
gingiv - gums

Translate the medical term eupepsia as literally as possible.
"Good digestion condition"; normal digestion

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term glossorrhaphy?
glosso (tongue) + rrhaphy (suture) = suture of the tongue