demeanor (n)
a way of looking and behaving (처신, 거동, 행실, 품행)
tonic (n)
a liquid medicine intended to make you feel better (강장제)
custody (n)
the right or duty to care for someone or something especially for children (양육권, 보호[관리]권)
initiate (v)
to cause something to begin (개시되게 하다, 착수시키다)
suppress (v)
to prevent something from being expressed (진압하다,숨기다)
raspy (adj)
unpleasantly rough or hoarse (거친, 목이 쉰 듯한)
lavish (adj)
spending more than is necessary or reasonable (풍성한, 호화로운)
ventilation (n)
the movement of fresh air around a closed place (통풍, 환기)
neutralize (v)
to stop something from having an effect (무효화[상쇄]시키다)
appreciate (v)
to recognize how good someone or something is and to value them on it (인정하다, 고마워하다)
incarcerate (v)
to put someone in prison (감금[투옥]하다)
miscreant (n)
someone who behaves badly or doesn't obey rules (악한, 범법자)
promissory note (n)
a legal document that contains a promise to pay a stated amount of money (보증)
tedious (adj)
boring and tiring because of repetition (지루한, 싫증나는 )
inconspicuous (adj)
not easily noticed or seen (눈에 잘 안 띄는)
jurisdiction (n)
the authority of a court to make decisions (관할권, 사법권)
atone (v)
to do something that shows you are sorry for something bad that you did (속죄하다)
whopping (adj)
extremely large (거대한)
tarnation (n)
use to express anger or to add emphasis ( 빌어먹을)
integrity (n)
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles (진실성)
legitimate (adj)
fair and honest; reasonable and acceptable (정당한, 타당한)