8.1 Brokerage and Real Estate License Laws Flashcards

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created 2 years ago by alex_george016
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Real estate license laws protect the ___ by ensuring a standard of competence and professionalism



What goals are achieved by the public licensing laws

* establishing basic requirements for obtaining a real estate license and, in most cases, requiring continuing eduction to keep a license

* defining which activities require licensing

* describing the acceptable standards of conduct and practice for licensees

* enforcing those standards through a disciplinary system


How many states have license and regulate the activities for real estate professionals

All 50 states plus the District of Columbia and all of Canada’s provinces


What is the main objective of the laws?

To make sure that the rights of purchasers, sellers, tenants, and owners are protected from unscrupulous or negligent practices


Each states has a licensing authority ___ for real estate professionals

A commission, department, division, board, and/or agency


This authority has the power to issue

Licenses, make real estate information available to licensees and the public, and to enforce the statutory real estate law


Each licensing authority has adopted a set of ___ that administer the statutory law and ___ operating guidelines for licensees

Administration regulations, set


Both ___ and ___ are usually enforce through fines and the denial, suspension, or revocation of licensess

Regulations and statutory law


The regulations have the same force and effect as statutory law, though if they conflict

The statute will prevail


Real estate license laws protect the public by ensuring a ___ in the real estate industry

Standard of competence and professionalism


The laws achieve this goal by

* establishing basic requirements for obtaining a real estate license and requiring continuing education to keep a license

* defining which activities require licensing

* describing the acceptable standards and practice for licensees

* enforcing those standards through a disciplinary system


What are the main goals for these laws

To make sure the rights of purchasers, sellers, tenants, and owners are protected from unscrupulous or negligent practices