Image: TLC plate with point of application on left with 4 spots. The ruler underneath shows a distance of 6.20 cm from point of application to solvent front and 0.50 cm to spot 1, 1.50 cm to spot 2, 4.00 cm to spot 3 and 5.50 cm to spot 4. End of image.
The Rf of substance "3" is:

Rf of substance 3 = 4.00 cm / 6.20 cm = 0.65

Three pure compounds (A,B and C) were subjected to TLC. An unknown solution that contains one or more of A, B and/or C. What does the unknown contain?
Image: TLC plate A has a spot a third the way up the plate. TLC plate B has a spot about halfway up the plate. TLC plate C has a spot about three quarters up the plate. TLC plate unknown has two spots, one a third the way up the plate and one about three quarters the way up the plate. End of image.
A and C
When subjecting multiple compounds to TLC on a single paper, what is the recommended distance you should have between placement of the spots?
1 cm
What is the maximum recommended diameter of a spot when you put on the TLC paper?
8 mm
When you place the TLC paper in the beaker, the the level of the solvent in the beaker should cover the spots you have placed on the TLC paper.
- True
- False