authority (n)
The power to control from others; someone with official responsibility for a particular area of activity ( 지휘권,권한)
despicable (adj)
very unpleasant/bad (비열한, 야비한)
scowl (v)
to look at something with a very annoyed expression (노려[쏘아]보다)
paranoid (adj)
anxious because you don't feel you can trust others (피해망상적인)
consumption (n)
the amount used/eaten (소비)
indifferent (adj)
having no particular interest or sympathy (무관심한)
evict (v)
to force someone to leave (쫓아내다)
violation (n)
an action that breaks a law, rule (위반)
canteen (n)
a small container for carrying water (물통)
desolate (adj)
having no living things; empty (황량한, 적막한)
vacancy (n)
a space that is available to be used; a job that is available that people can apply for (결원, 공석)
forlorn (adj)
looking or feeling alone because you need help but do not expect to get it (쓸쓸해 보이는)
preposterous (adj)
completely unreasonable and ridiculous (말도 안 되는, 터무니없는)
thrive (v)
to grow, develop, be successful (번창하다, 잘 자라다 )
outwit (v)
to obtain an advantage over someone by being more intelligent ( …보다 한 수 앞서다)
irreversible (adj)
impossible to change or return to previous position (되돌릴 수 없는)
expanse (n)
a large, open area of land, water, sky (넓게 트인 지역)
cannibalistic (adj)
animal that eats the flesh of animals of its own type( 사람을 잡아먹는, 동족을 잡아먹는)
gruesome (adj)
extremely unpleasant usually dealing with death/injury ( 섬뜩한, 소름끼치는)
defective (adj)
containing a fault, not working correctly (결함이 있는)
scarcity (n)
a situation in which something is not easy to find; lack of something (부족, 결핍)