title 480 GA law chapter 1-11 Flashcards

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ch 1

ch 1


The Georgia State Board of Pharmacy consists of ---- members who are commissioned by the Governor. The public may obtain information from the Board, and make submissions and requests to the Board by contacting the Executive Director of the State Board of Pharmacy at the Department of Community Health,



Applicants for licensure by examination must complete an application on a form approved by the Georgia State Board of Pharmacy ("Board"), , wat are the others features one needs to possess

have attained the age of majority,

be of good moral character,

have graduated and received a professional degree from a college or school approved by the Board,

have completed an internship program approved by the Board,

have sucessfully passed examinations approved by the Board and

have paid the requisite fee.


Applicants applying for a license to practice pharmacy by examination must be a graduate of:

  • A generally recognized school or college of pharmacy located in the United States, being one who has obtained candidate status or is approved by the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education OR
  • A school or college of pharmacy located outside of the United States, provided that graduates of such foreign schools or college may be deemed qualified to apply to practice as pharmacists or pharmacy interns if and only if the Board, after a review of the graduate's verified academic records, finds that the graduate is qualified and, in the case of a graduate who seeks licensure as a pharmacist, has passed the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination (FPGEC), and the Test of Spoken English, and the Test of English as a foreign language, all administered by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. (NABP)


Applicants applying for licensure by examination must complete ----hours of pharmacy internship or its equivalent as provided by the Board.


Application which shall include practice experience in both a retail and hospital practice setting, in accordance with the standards set by the Board. An applicant for examination shall submit the certification in writing and signed under oath by a duly authorized representative of the applicant's school or college of pharmacy on a form approved by the Board.


Pharmacy Internship Licenses.

(a)Applicants shall file an application with the Board for pharmacy internship licensure and pay the license fee.when can intern start the experience?

The pharmacy intern license must be issued before experience begins.


The following persons may register as pharmacy interns:

1.Any student who is currently enrolled in a generally recognized school or college of pharmacy approved by A.C.P.E., or a newly created school or college of pharmacy which has been granted either precandidate or candidate status by A.C.P.E., provided that proof of enrollment in a school or college of pharmacy is submitted to the Board.

2.Any graduate of a generally recognized school or college of pharmacy approved by A.C.P.E. for the purpose of obtaining the practical experience for licensure as a pharmacist; and

3.Any individual who has established educational equivalency by obtaining a Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Examination Committee (FPGEC) certificate for the purpose of obtaining practical experience for licensure as a pharmacist.


Licenses shall be valid for----- or until such intern is expelled, suspended, dismissed or withdraws from an approved school, becomes licensed as a pharmacist, or has taken and failed the Board examination for the third time, whichever comes first. Intern licenses may be renewed at the discretion of the Board.

five (5) years


The 1500 hours of pharmacy internship shall include practice experience in both a ---- and ----l pharmacy practice setting, in accordance with the standards set by the Bo

retail and hospital


Other Qualifying Experience:(a)Any intern wishing to obtain internship credit for work in a research and /or industrial program must first submit a request for approval of the program to the Board along with an outline of the program from the individual who will supervise the intern in this program. If approved by the Board, the hours will be awarded in accordance with the standards set by the Board.(b)At the discretion of the Board, the Board may accept internship hours for serving in the Armed Services and working under the direct supervision of a registered pharmacist. Documentation of experience must be signed by a registered pharmacist. An intern must petition the Board to receive credit.(c)The Board may give internship credit to an applicant that has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Board that such applicant has experience in the practice of pharmacy that meets or exceeds the minimum internship requirements. An applicant must petition the Board to receive credit.



The NAPLEX examination is made available throughout the year, with the jurisprudence portion of the examination being given at specified times. Applications must be in the Board office in accordance with the deadlines established by the Board.(a)Candidates for a Georgia license are required to make a minimum grade of ----on the NAPLEX examination. Applicants are also required to obtain a minimum score of ---- on the jurisprudence examination.




In order for a pharmacist currently licensed in another jurisdiction to obtain a license as a pharmacist from the Board, an applicant shall:

Complete an applicant form supplied by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) to apply for licensure with the Georgia State Board of Pharmacy

Have attained the age of majority

Be of good moral character

Have possessed at the time of initial licensure as a pharmacist, all qualifications necessary to have been eligible for licensure at that time in this state

Have presented to the Board proof of initial licensure by examination and proof that such license is in good standing

Have presented to the board proof that any other license granted to the applicant by any other state is not currently suspended, revoked, or otherwise restricted for any reason except nonrenewal or for the failure to obtain the required continuing education credits in any state where the applicant is currently licensed, but not engaged in the practice of pharmacy

Have successfully passed a jurisprudence examination approved by the Board on Georgia's pharmacy laws and Board regulations

If requested by the Board, have personally appeared for an interview with a member of the Board

Have paid the fees specified by the Board.


A pharmacy resident may apply for temporary pharmacist licensure where the applicant has:

1.Has submitted a completed application for licensure on a form approved by the Board, paid the requisite fee, and requested a temporary license;

2.Has attained the age of majority;

3.Has completed an internship program approved by the Board, as provided for in Rule 480-2-.03; and

4.Has submitted evidence that the applicant has been accepted for a pharmacy resident position in this state


Any temporary license issued to a pharmacy resident shall expire ---- Following the third Board meeting conducted after the issuance of such license and may not be reissued or renewed.

at the end of the month f


Ch 3

ch 3


Each pharmacist license will expire and must be renewed by-------of the even numbered years. Licenses not renewed by December 31st of the even number years may be late renewed by -------of the following year by payment of the current renewal fee, plus an ---------of the renewal fee.

December 31st

January 31st

an additional late renewal fee of 50% of the renewal fee


Any license not renewed by January 31st of the year following the renewal date deadline, shall automatically become classified as --------- practice.

"Administratively Revoked".\

(a)The practice of pharmacy with an expired or administratively revoked license is prohibited by law, and practice during this period may result in disciplinary action for unlicensed


Pharmacists who wish to have their license placed on inactive status may do so by ----------- .

requesting such status in writing, with an explanation of the request, to the Board.

Pharmacists requesting inactive status must have an active license in good standing which includes meeting the continuing education requirements as outlined in Board Polic


Pharmacists who wish to retain their license may apply for an inactive status . Can they continue to practice?

Pharmacists holding an inact ive license may not practice pharmacy. An individual with an inactive license does not have to meet the continuing education requirements for subsequent renewal periods.

Pharmacists who wish to reactivate their license must complete and submit the proper application and meet the requirements of the Board for reactivation as set forth in Board Policy.


As a requirement for the biennial renewal of his/her license, a pharmacist must complete not less than------hours of approved continuing education.

thirty (30)


A pharmacist licensed before or during the ----- of the biennium (January to June), shall be required to obtain --- hours of C.E.

A pharmacist licensed during the following ----- (June to July) shall be required to obtain -----hours of C.E. A pharmacist licensed during the last six (6) months of the biennium shall be exempt from continuing education for that biennium only.

first six (6) months


twelve (12) months



what happens when a pharmacist fails to submit certificates, which document his/her required continuing education credits,

the Board will not process his/her request to renew the license until the continuing education requirements are provided to the Board.


following the previous question, what else can happen?

a)The pharmacist may not carry over continuing education credits from one licensing period to the next.

(b)Nothing is meant to prohibit representatives from the Georgia Drugs and Narcotics Agency (GDNA) from assisting, auditing, or verifying a pharmacist's continuing education certificates as needed.

(c)Each licensed pharmacist shall maintain these certificates of attendance at continuing education meetings for a period of two (2) years from the date of the preceding renewal period.


All continuing education providers seeking approval of the continuing education program by the Georgia Board shall submit a program approval form for each program presented. These forms should be submitted ----in advance. The Board may exempt programs from this advance time requirement period as set forth by Board policy.

sixty (60) days


ch 4

ch 4


Duplicate wall certificates and pocket licenses may be obtained by completing the proper application from the Board's office and filing said application with the proper fee, which will be considered by the Board for approval. The 2 acceptable reasons for requesting a duplicate wall certificate and/or pocket license are as follows

(a)The wall certificate or pocket license has been lost or destroyed, or

(b)The licensee has had a legal change of name.

The applicant for the duplicate wall certificate and/or pocket license must submit supporting documentation as required by the Board.


chapter 5

Suspension, Revocation, or Other Actions on Licenses Issued by the BoardCode of Professional Conduct: Answer the following questions

Need to acknowledge the following questions

ch 5

The Board is authorized to take disciplinary action for unprofessional conduct.


No pharmacist, intern, extern, technician, or pharmacy owner shall engage in any conduct in the practice of pharmacy or in the operation of a pharmacy which tends to reduce the public confidence in the ability and integrity of the profession of pharmacy, or endangers the public health, safety and welfare, or have been guilty of any fraud, misrepresentation, culpable negligence, concealment, dishonest dealings, fix, scheme or device, or breach of trust in the practice of pharmacy or in the conduction of business related to prescriptions, drugs or devices.



Patient Self-Referral.

No pharmacist, employee or agent thereof acting on his/her behalf, shall offer, agree to accept, or receive compensation in any form for the referral of professional services to or from another health care provider or entity.


This prohibition includes any form of fee division or charging of fees for the referral of patients.


Error or Uncertain Prescriptions.

No pharmacist or pharmacy intern/extern shall compound or dispense any prescription, which, in his/her professional opinion, contains any error omission, irregularity or ambiguity. Upon receipt of such prescription, the pharmacist, pharmacy intern/extern shall contact the prescriber and confer with him/her before dispensing the prescription.

No pharmacist or intern/extern shall dispense any medication by virtue of a prescription if said pharmacist or intern has any doubt existing in his mind that such prescription is not legitimate.


Betrayal of Confidence. A pharmacist shall not discuss with the patient or representative such matters that should be discussed only with the prescriber.



Diagnosis or Treatment.

No pharmacist or employee of a pharmacy shall diagnose, treat, prescribe for, or attempt to do so, any disease, illness, or organic disorder. This limitation shall not be construed to prevent a licensed pharmacist from advising individuals on matters concerning simple ailments, first aid measures, sanitary matters, or the merits and qualities of medicines, nor shall it prevent the full practice of pharmacy



Coded Prescriptions.

No pharmacist, pharmacy intern, or extern shall compound or dispense any prescription that is coded. A "coded" prescription is one which bears letters, numbers, words or symbols, or any other device used in lieu of the name, quantity, strength and directors for its use, other than normal letters, numbers, words, symbols or other media recognized by the profession of pharmacy as a means for conveying information by prescription. No symbol, word or any other device shall be used in lieu of the name of said preparation.



True or False. A pharmacist or licensed pharmacy can disseminate through any communication media any false, misleading or fraudulent advertising.



Changes in Prescriptions. No pharmacist, pharmacy intern or extern shall supply medications or devices which contain an ingredient or article different in any manner from the medication or device that is prescribed upon a prescription unless prior approval has been obtained from the prescriber thereof. Such difference shall immediately be recorded upon said prescription after being approved by said prescriber, showing the date, time and method of ascertaining the said approval.



pharmacist, employer or employee of a licensed pharmacy can maintain a location, other than a pharmacy for which a permit has been issued by the Board, from which to solicit, accept or dispense prescriptions.



No pharmacist or licensed pharmacy, or employee or agent thereof, shall enter into or engage in any agreement or arrangement with a physician or other practitioner for the payment or acceptance of compensation in any form or type for the recommending of the professional services of either; or enter into a rebate or percentage rental agreement if any kind, whereby in any way a patient's free choice of a pharmacist or licensed pharmacy is or may be limited.



Independent Judgment and Practices. No pharmacist shall offer or engage in professional pharmaceutical services under any terms and conditions that shall tend to interfere with or impair the free and complete exercise of professional judgment and skill of a pharmacist or enter into any agreement that denies the public the right of free choice of pharmacists or pharmacies.



Return of Prescriptions. Except as authorized by Rule 480-10-.17, no pharmacist or employer or employee of a pharmacy may knowingly place in the stock of any pharmacy any part of any prescription dispensed to, or compounded for, any patient of any pharmacy and returned by said patient.



Evasion of Code of Professional Conduct. No pharmacist, licensed pharmacy or employee or agent thereof, shall act in any way to evade the rules and regulations of the Board and the laws applying to licensed pharmacies and pharmacists, interns, externs and technicians, but may apply methods of their own to enhance compliance with said laws, rules and regulations. Said persons shall be responsible for being acquainted with said laws, rules and regulations, and ignorance of said laws, rules, regulations shall not be a valid defense of the same.



It shall not be considered unprofessional conduct for any pharmacist to refuse to fill any prescription based on his/her professional judgment or ethical or moral beliefs.



Prescription drugs shall be dispensed only pursuant to a valid prescription drug order. A pharmacist shall not dispense a prescription which the pharmacist knows or should know is not a valid prescription. A pharmacist shall have the same corresponding liability for prescriptions as an issuing practitioner as set forth in 21 C.F.R. as such regulation exists on January 1, 2013. Valid prescription drug orders shall include those issued by a physician, dentist, podiatrist, veterinarian, or other person licensed, registered, or otherwise authorized under the laws of this state, or of any state or territory of the United States, to prescribe dangerous drugs or controlled substances or both.



Violations of the Code of Professional Conduct. The above set out Code of Professional Conduct is expressly adopted by the Board and shall govern the conduct of all those admitted to practice pharmacy in their capacities as pharmacists, all those issued licenses as a pharmacy in their capacities as licensees and all pharmacy interns/externs in their capacities as pharmacy interns/externs. A license to practice pharmacy or a permit to operate a licensed pharmacy confers to vested right to the holder thereof, but is a conditional privilege revocable for cause. The primary purpose of this Code of Professional Conduct is the protection of the profession of pharmacy and the public health, safety and welfare. It is the responsibility of the Board to purge the profession of those unworthy to practice pharmacy or operate pharmacies in this state. It is the obligation of every licensed pharmacy holder and every licensed pharmacist to give unlimited cooperation and assistance to the Board in the discharge of this responsibility. Violation of this code may subject the violator to suspension or revocation of any license issued to him/her by the Board and/or public reprimand, fines, probation, letters of concern or other disciplinary actions deemed appropriate by the Board.



whenever a pharmacist, intern or extern becomes unfit to practice pharmacy with reasonable skill and safety by reason of a mental or physical condition including impairment due to the use of alcohol, narcotics, stimulants, or other habit-forming drugs, the Board has the duty and authority to place appropriate conditions or limitations on that person's license, including conditions or limitations on that person's license, including suspension or revocation.

Whenever such pharmacist, intern or extern is impaired or has otherwise endangered the public health and welfare while engaged in the practice of pharmacy, and any other Board licensee is aware of such impairment he/she has the obligation and duty to notify the Board of such impaired persons and their actions.


chap 6 Pharmacy licenses

chap 6


True or false:Pharmacy license application is non refundable

The application fee shall NOT be refundable.


Licenses shall be renewed every -----years and expire on ----- of each odd year and may be renewed upon the payment of the required fee and the filing of an application for renewal.

If the application for renewal is not made and the fee paid before ----- of the odd year, the license shall lapse and shall not be renewed. An application for reinstatement shall be required. Reinstatement shall be at the sole discretion of the Board.


June 30th

September 1st


non-resident pharmacies

it shall be unlawful for any person, pharmacy, or facility located outside this state to ship, mail, or deliver prescription drugs orders into this state or to advertise its services, personally or through an in-state third party, unless such person, pharmacy or facility holds a pharmacy license pursuant to law

Applications must be filed with the Georgia State Board of Pharmacy

Where operations are conducted at more than one location by a single pharmacy, each such location shall be permitted by the Board;


Minimum Qualifications for pharmacy to obtain licensure.The Board will consider the following factors in determining eligibility for licensure for persons who engage in the wholesale distribution of prescription drugs:

1.Any convictions of the applicant under any Federal, State, or local laws relating to drug samples, wholesale or retail drug distribution, or distribution of controlled substances

;2.Any felony convictions of the applicant under Federal, State, or local laws;

3.The applicant's past experience in the manufacture or distribution of prescription drugs, including controlled substances

4.The furnishing by the applicant of false or fraudulent material in any application made in connection with drug manufacturing or distribution

5.Suspension or revocation by Federal, State, or local government of any license currently or previously held by the applicant for the manufacture or distribution of any drugs, including controlled substances;

6.Compliance with licensing requirements under previously granted licenses, if any;

7.Compliance with requirements to maintain and/or make available to the State Licensing Authority or to Federal, State, or local law enforcement officials, those records required to be maintained by drug wholesale distributors; and

8.Any other factors or qualifications the Board considers relevant to and consistent with the public health and safety.


True or false : Drug samples maybe sold in any licensed pharmacy.



All prescription drugs or chemicals shall be stored at appropriate temperatures and under appropriate conditions in accordance with requirements, if any, in the labeling of such drugs, or with requirements in the current edition of an official compendium, such as the ------.






chapter 9




------- is a customized single-dosing package labeled by a pharmacy for a specific patient, and such package contains two or more solid, oral dosage form drugs to be administered to or taken by a specific patient at the same dosage time from a single container.

Multi-Drug Single-Dosing Container


Each individual, customized, multi-drug single-dosing container shall bear a label, which at a minimum, contains the following:

(a)The name of the patient;

(b)The name of the prescribing practitioner of each drug;

(c)The name, address, and telephone number of the pharmacy issuing the multi-drug single dosing container;

d)The identifying serial number assigned to the prescription drug order for each drug contained therein;

(e)The name, strength, physical description, and total quantity of each drug contained therein;

(f)The directions for use, and/or time of administration or time to be taken for each individual multi-drug single-dosing container; and

(g)Either the dispensing or preparation date, as well as a beyond use (expiration) da


The expiration date of each drug included therein shall not be longer than---- from the date of preparation of the multi-drug single-dosing container.

1 year


The total quantity of drugs dispensed may not be more than --- day supply;



Once a multi-drug single-dosing container has been properly labeled and dispensed to a patient, and this same container is returned to the pharmacy, the drugs packaged in such container are considered adulterated and may not be returned to the pharmacy stock. Drugs may be redispensed only under the following conditions:

1.Drugs repackaged for and redispensed only to the same patient to which the drugs were originally dispensed or;

2. Whenever a patient has an allergic reaction to any drug contained in a multi-drug single-dosing container and this drug is discontinued from the patient's treatment, a pharmacy cannot repackage and redispense any drug(s) which were packaged with the discontinued drug in the single-dosing container, because any such drug is then considered to be adulterated as defined under O.C.G.A. 26-3.

3.Unopened unit-dose drugs packaged only by the original drug manufacturer dispensed to and returned only by a Long Term Care facility patient for Medicaid credit;4.A multi-drug single-dosing container must be tamper evident in such a manner to prevent the container from being either reclosed or designed to show evidence of having been opened;


At the time of administration, nothing in this rule is meant to prevent a nurse or a patient specified caregiver from removing a discontinued drug(s) from a container to be wasted as directed by a pharmacist or from retaining up to a-----supply of the continued drug(s) in the original container in order to maintain a patient on his or her continuing drug administration schedule;



Whenever a patient or the patient's caregiver requests a pharmacy to remove drugs from containers previously dispensed by another pharmacy, and redispensed such drugs in a multi-drug single-dosing container(s), the pharmacy must what?

pharmacy must first receive written permission from the patient or the patient's caregiver in the form of written and signed statement from that same patient or patient's caregiver.

Each statement must be kept on file at the pharmacy, along with the corresponding redispensing log, as described in 480-9-.04(b), for a period of two (2) years.


At the time of administration, nothing in this rule is meant to prevent a nurse or a patient specified caregiver from removing a discontinued drug(s) from a container to be wasted as directed by a pharmacist or from retaining up to a -----hour supply of the continued drug(s) in the original container in order to maintain a patient on his or her continuing drug administration schedule;



redispencing by a different pharmacy

Whenever a patient or the patient's caregiver requests a pharmacy to remove drugs from containers previously dispensed by another pharmacy, and redispensed such drugs in a multi-drug single-dosing container(s), that pharmacy must first

receive written permission from the patient or the patient's caregiver in the form of written and signed statement from that same patient or patient's caregiver. Each statement must be kept on file at the pharmacy, along with the corresponding redispensing log, as described in 480-9-.04(b), for a period of two (2) years.





All controlled substances and/or dangerous drugs shall be kept in the -------------, accessible only to an authorized person, except where contained in a collection receptacle compliant with state and federal law and regulation.

prescription department


Except for retail pharmacies located in the same space as hospital pharmacies, a Licensed Pharmacist shall be present and on duty in a licensed retail pharmacy as follows



Such times when the pharmacist is absent from the pharmacy cannot exceed --------daily or ----- hours at any one time. If a pharmacist is absent less than five minutes from the prescription department, this absence is not considered an "absence" within the meaning of this rule and will not require a posted notice, provided that the prescription department's security is not compromised.

three (3) hours daily, or more than one and one half (1 1/2)


In the absence of a pharmacist from the pharmacy, the area designated as the prescription department shall be closed and locked in such a manner as to prevent unauthorized entry.

Whenever the pharmacist is absent from the pharmacy, a sign shall be prominently displayed on the entrance to the prescription department announcing, "Prescription Department Closed" and such sign shall be clear and legible with letters not less than three (3) inches in size


t or f

4.The pharmacist on duty shall be responsible and accountable for the direct supervision of all personnel working in the pharmacy or prescription department. Pharmacy technicians and pharmacy interns/externs can continue preparation of a prescription when the pharmacist is in the immunization or consultation room or is providing pharmacy care services



Minimum Equipment for Prescription Departments

copies of and/or computer or electronic access to current reference materials appropriate to the individual pharmacy practice. These reference materials shall be authoritative on at least the topics of drug interactions; patient counseling; compounding and pharmaceutical calculations; and generic substitutio


what are other requirements

The telephone number of a poison control center. This number shall be conspicuously posted within the prescription department

Georgia Pharmacy Practice Act, O.C.G.A. T. 26, Ch. 4;2.Georgia Controlled Substances Act & Dangerous Drug Act, O.C.G.A. T. 16, Ch. 13; and3.Official Rules of the Georgia State Board of Pharmacy.

Refrigerator in operating condition with a thermometer; and2.Sink in working condition with both hot and cold running water

If compounding onsite using components which must be weighed, Class A Balance with an assortment of metric weights or a Class I or II Electronic Balance;

Graduates of assorted sizes;

2.Two mortars and pestles of assorted sizes;

3.Two spatulas;

4.One pill counting tray;

5.Ointment slab, tile or ointment paper pad;

6.Stirring rods;

7.Typewriter, word processor or computer with label-printer; and

8.Any other equipment necessary for a specialized practice setting where such a specialized practice takes place.(g)Adequate supply of drugs most commonly prescribed (ONLY to be on hand after a permit has been issued by the Board).(h)Assorted sizes and types of child-resistant dispensing containers.


Pharmacies shall keep syringes for injections ---------in their prescription departments and in no other place. No person other than a ---- or ----- or -----acting under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist, shall sell, distribute, exchange, or give, to any person a hypodermic syringe or needle designed or marketed primarily for human use. No hypodermic needle or syringe shall be sold by a pharmacist or pharmacy intern/extern, acting under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist, if such person has reasonable cause to believe that it will be used for an unlawful purpose.

behind the dispensing counter

icensed pharmacist or a pharmacy intern/extern,


All controlled substances which are outdated or expired must be disposed of in a manner which generates a DEA Form----



controlled substances can be disposed of by one of the following

(a)Representatives of the Georgia Drugs and Narcotics Agency (GDNA);

(b)Agents of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA); or(

c)A reverse distributor holding a current permit issued by the Georgia State Board of Pharmacy (Board).


A Prescription Drug Order (defined as a "lawful order of a Practitioner for a Drug or Device for a specific patient") shall include, but not be limited to the following information as well as any information required

(1)Full name and address of the patient; (NA)

(2)Name, address of the prescribing practitioner and DEA registration number in the case of controlled substances; (NADS)

(3)Date of issuance;

(4)Name, strength, if needed, dosage form and quantity of drug prescribed;(5)Directions for use by the patient;

(6)Refills authorized, if any;

(7)If a written Prescription Drug Order, prescribing practitioner's signature; and

(8)A serial number assigned by the Pharmacist so that Prescription Drug Orders may be filed in a numerical and retrievable sequence.


All transmission records must include the following:

(a)"-----written on the face of a prescription if it is a hard copy prescription,(




records must also include the following

The name, address, telephone number, Georgia license number, and DEA registration number (if the prescription is a controlled substance), of the central fill pharmacy to which the prescription has been transmitted,

Number of refills already dispensed and number of refills remaining (if applicable),

The name of the originating pharmacy pharmacist transmitting the prescription, and

The date of transmittal.


The label affixed to the container of a dangerous drug or other non-controlled substance filled by a central fill pharmacy must contain the following:

Date of fill or refill,

(b)The originating pharmacy name, address, and telephone number,

(c)The central fill pharmacy's unique identifier,

(d)The serial number of the prescription,

(e)The name of the patient,

(f)The name of the prescribing practitioner,

(g)Name of supervising physician if applicable,

(h)Expiration date of the dispensed drug, and(

i)The directions for use and cautionary statements, if any, contained in such prescription or required by law.


It shall be the responsibility of the pharmacist on duty at the originating pharmacy to perform patient counseling of all prescriptions.2( pharmac

)The central fill pharmacy shall not perform patient counseling on behalf of the originating


An originating pharmacy that utilizes central filling services must, prior to outsourcing the prescription, notify patients that prescription filing may be outsourced to another pharmacy. including what 2 factors:

(a)The patient shall have the choice to not have the prescription outsourced.(b)Notification may be provided through the use of a sign located in the originating pharmacy which is clearly visible to and readable by the public.


true/false Based on the existence of a pharmacist/patient/prescriber relationship and the presentation of a valid prescription drug order or in anticipation of a prescription drug order based on routine, regularly observed prescribing patterns, pharmacists may compound, for an individual patient, drug preparations that are not commercially available in the marketplace or commercially available in the place as outlined by the restrictions under



The distribution of compounded preparations, for office administration or emergency dispensing, to a veterinarian shall not exceed -----of production of compounded preparation in a calendar year by that pharmacy. Amounts produced greater than that shall be considered manufacturing and will require separate licensure as a manufacturer.



Emergency Dispensing" shall mean no more than a ------day supply dispensed for an urgent condition to an animal patient by a licensed veterinarian with a valid veterinarian-client-patient relationship when timely access to a compounding pharmacy is not available.



Pharmacists may not compound Schedule-,---,---,--, controlled substances, as defined in Article 2 of Chapter 13 of Title 16 without a patient specific prescription drug order.

II, III, IV or V


repeat compounding section for the rest to 100 slides
