In the experiment that involves finding the specific heat of a metal, how is the metal heated?
In a test tube placed in a beaker of boiling water.

In the experiment that involves finding the specific heat of a metal, about how much water is placed in the calorimeter in cubic centimeters?

For the experiment that involves finding the specific heat of a metal, the initial temperature of water is found to be 22.0 degrees C. The final temperature (after the metal is added) is 42.0 degrees C. What is the temperature change?
20.0 degrees C

In the Enthalpy of Solution experiment, how much water is added to the calorimeter in cubic centimeters?

In the Enthalpy of Solution experiment, about how much unknown solid is added to the calorimeter?
5.0 g

In the Enthapy of Neutralization experiment, about how much acid is used?
25 mL

In the Enthalpy of Neutralization experiment, what density is used for the solution obtained after the acid has been added to the base, in grams per mL? (Look at part C Calculated Data)