Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term myasthenia?
my (muscle) + asthenia (weakness) = muscle weakness
Build a medical term that means "bad feeling or sensation."
If a patient is prone, he is:
lying down on his belly.
Which drug lessens anxiety?

Read this patient’s discharge diagnosis, as follows:
Patient Name: Ms. Susan Cloud
Date of Admission: 6/23/15
Date of Discharge: 6/28/15
Admission Diagnosis
Cataract extraction
Discharge Diagnosis
Post-cataract extraction
2. Endophthalmitis
Discharge Condition
Infectious disease
According to this patient’s discharge
diagnosis, she has endophthalmitis. What is the correct
breakdown of this medical term?
end (in, inside) + ophthalm (eye) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation inside the eye
Build a medical term that means "poor bone development."
Which of the following roots does NOT refer to a gland of the endocrine system?

According to the following discharge summary, Ms. Cloud began
complaining of ophthalmalgia.
Hospital Course
On postop day 2, Ms. Cloud began complaining of
increasing right ophthalmalgia. She was noted to be febrile to 102.2.
Exam revealed conjunctival infection and edema. She was presumed to
have postoperative endophthalmitis. Vitrectomy was performed under
sterile conditions, and samples were sent to lab for culture. She was
given intravitreal antibiotics. Over the next couple of days, her
fever curve trended down and her WBC count improved. Cultures came
back positive for S. epidermidis. Infectious disease was
consulted; they recommended two weeks of IV therapy. A PICC line was
placed and she was discharged with care instructions.
Which is the correct definition of the suffix -algia?
A pituitary infarction is:
the death of the pituitary gland.

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term ophthalmomyitis into its component parts?
Identify and define the root in the medical term hypoparathyroidism.
thyroid - thyroid

Read the Hospital course below:
Hospital Course
On postop day 2, Ms. Cloud began complaining of
increasing right ophthalmalgia. She was noted to be febrile to 102.2.
Exam revealed conjunctival infection and edema. She was presumed to
have postoperative endophthalmitis. Vitrectomy was performed under
sterile conditions, and samples were sent to lab for culture. She was
given intravitreal antibiotics. Over the next couple of days, her
fever curve trended down and her WBC count improved. Cultures came
back positive for S. epidermidis. Infectious disease was consulted;
they recommended two weeks of IV therapy. A PICC line was placed and
she was discharged with care instructions.
According to this excerpt, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A vitrectomy was performed under extremely clean, germ-free condition.

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term arthrodesis?
arthro (joint) + desis (binding) = binding of a joint (surgical fixation of a joint)
If a patient’s infection is classified as malignant, it is:
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term rhinosalpingitis?
rhino (nose) + salping (eustachian tube) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of the nose and eustachian tubes
Translate the medical term osteocarcinoma as literally as possible.
Bone cancer tumor

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term echoencephalography into its component parts?

Read the following excerpt from this patient’s health record:
Mrs. Voxenhead is here for follow-up for her schizophrenia. At her last visit, she complained of dystonia on her haloperidol. I changed her to a newer antipsychotic, and she is here today to follow up the results. Overall, her condition is improved, and she has not had any new hallucinations. Her only concern today is recent insomnia (the past week). She noticed the insomnia started when she began a new job. She says that learning her new job has been stressful. She has been anxious at night, and that has made it hard for her to sleep.
According to this excerpt, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Because of the side effects of haloperidol, the doctor prescribed her a new medication to relieve her anxiety.
Build a medical term that means "large head condition."
Which is the correct abbreviation for a medicine administered "as desired"?
Ad lib
Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term sclerokeratoiritis into its component parts?
Which term means "instrument for looking into a joint"? (arthr/o = joint)
Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term hypergonadism into its component parts?
Which is the proper syllabic breakdown for the word catheter?

Choose the correct definition for ear instillation.
Ear drops

From which portion of a consult note is the following excerpt?
Reason for Consult: urinary retention
HPI: Mr. Johnson is a 57-year-old male with a 2-month history of difficulty voiding. He reports urgency and frequency. He has had increasing problems with a weakurinary stream. The symptoms have progressed to include mild abdominal discomfortand erectile dysfunction. He denies any incontinence, hematuria, balanorrhea, orchiodynia, or trauma. He has not tried any medicines at this point.
PMHx: Hypercholesterolemia-currently controlled with diet. Positive history of gonococcalurethritis 3 years previously. No history of urolithiasis.

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term encephalography?
encephalo (brain) + graph (writing) + y (procedure) = procedure for studying the brain
When a person uses her left hand to reach to the right, she is showing ________________ movement.
The course of action consistent with a health care provider's assessment is known as a(n):
The prefixes a- and an- both mean:
Which of the following roots is NOT used to refer to the eye?
Which term means "bad movement condition"?

Read the following information from the patient’s health record:
Physical Exam
RR: 24; HR: 88; Temp: 99.9; BP: 98/68.
Well-developed 4y/o in no acute distress.
HEENT: Normocephalic.
PERRLA. No conjunctival erythema; mild clear nasal discharge; right
canal blocked with cerumen—after ceruminolytic placed and canal clear,
the tympanic membrane was seen. It was erythematous and full. Some
mild tympanosclerosis of TM noted; the left ear was erythematous and
full. Mild mastoidalgia on the left, but the ear is not displaced
CV: RRR without murmur.
Resp: CTA.
Which of the following is TRUE given this information?
Right canal blocked with ear wax.
Which is the proper translation of cardiomegaly?
Enlargement of the heart

A systemic infection by definition:
infects all or most of the body.
Medical language is made up primarily (but not exclusively) of words taken from which two ancient languages?
Greek and Latin
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term dacryocystectomy?
dacryo (tear) + cyst (sac) + ectomy (removal) = removal of the tear sac
Translate the medical term xerophthalmia as literally as possible.
Dry eyes
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term dacryohemorrhea?
dacryo (tear) + hemo (blood) + rrhea (excessive discharge) = blood in the tears
Translate the medical term chloremia as literally as possible.
Increased chloride in the blood
Build a medical term that means "muscle tone."
The cause is also called the:
Which medical term means "calcium in the urine"?
Build a medical term that means "abnormal narrowing of the skull."
Which term means "pertaining to after birth"?
Which medical term means "pain in the pancreas"?

In the following health record, the patient’s disposition is
Emergency Department Course:
Sweet arrived in the ED lethargic but responsive. Given her history
and vomiting, we were concerned about diabetic ketoacidosis. The
patient’s finger stick blood sugar test result of 320 confirmed
hyperglycemia, and a urinalysis revealed both glucosuria and
ketonuria. An IV was started and labs were sent. Chemistry profile
showed hypernatremia, hypokalemia, and acidemia. The pediatric
intensive care team was contacted for transfer to the PICU.
Disposition: Transfer to PICU.
The correct
definition for disposition in this context is:
what happened to the patient at the end of the visit.
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term hydrophobia?
hydro (water) + phobia (excessive fear) = fear of water
Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term exostosis into its component parts?

Which of the following is NOT true about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?
It refers to the underdevelopment of the muscles on the spinal column that leads to nerve softening and weakness.

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term cholangiopancreatography?
chol (bile) + angio (vessel) + pancreato (pancreas)+ graph (writing) + y (procedure) = procedure used to examine the bile ducts and pancreas
Build a medical term that means "muscle suture."
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term osteochondritis?
osteo (bone) + chondr (cartilage) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of the bone and cartilage
Translate the root esthesi/o.
Feeling, sensation

Which term refers to the time between seizures?
What is the root used in the abbreviations OD, OS, and OU?
oculus - eye

Which is the proper translation of subdural?
Pertaining to beneath the dura
A partial dislocation of a joint is known as a(n):
A patient usually has surgery in a(n):
Which is the correct plural form of the word nucleus?
Build a medical term that means "reconstruction of the eye."
Identify and define the root in the medical term hypophysitis.
hypophys - pituitary

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the abbreviation CSII?
CSII: continuous + sub (beneath) + cutane (skin) + ous (pertaining to) + insulin (hormone secreted by the pancreas that controls the metabolism and uptake of sugar and fats) + infusion = continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
Translate the medical term glycopenia as literally as possible.
Deficiency of sugar
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term salpingoscope?
salpingo (eustachian tube) + scope (instrument to look)= instrument to look at the eustachian tubes
What is the medical term that describes writer's cramp?
Build a medical term that means "inflammation of the sclera and iris."

Read the following discharge summary:
Hospital Course
Mrs. Collach was admitted to the medical service. She was placed on NPO status and given IVF and analgesics. An ultrasound revealed gallstones in the common bile duct as the etiology for Mrs. Collach’s pancreatitis. Surgery was consulted. On hospital day 2, Mrs. Collach was taken to the OR for laparoscopic choledocholithectomy and cholecystectomy. She tolerated the procedure well. She began a postoperative refeeding plan with a low-protein, low-fat diet. She tolerated advancing the diet, and 2 days after her surgery, her pain had improved enough that she was discharged home.
According to this summary, which of the following is true?
Mrs. Collach was not allowed to have anything by mouth and was given intravenous fluids when she was first admitted to the hospital.

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term hypophysitis?
hypophys (pituitary gland) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of the pituitary gland.

Which is the proper translation of mycodermatitis?
Inflammation of the skin caused by fungus
Which is the proper breakdown of the word parts in the term hemarthrosis?
Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term hemarthrosis into its component parts?
If a patient's infection is classified as occult, it is:
Build a medical term that means "an instrument for looking at the retina."
An excessive desire to steal is called: