Book 2 Ch 1 - Drinking Water Regulations Practice Quiz Flashcards

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What is the minimum allowable pressure in the distribution system under all flow conditions?

20 psi


What is an undesirable effect of high pH?

Increased halogen reactions, which increases TTHM formation


What percent of samples over the action level MCL for lead or copper will cause the utility to take steps to control corrosion in the distribution system?



At what level does fluoride cause discoloration and mottling of the teeth, especially in children?

Greater than 2.0 mg/L


According to the Total Coliform Rule, if a system collects more than 40 bacteriological samples per month, no more than ___________ can be total
coliform positive?

5% of samples


According to Ch 62-550.824 (3) (a), FAC, Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR), CCRs must be delivered to customers by what date of the year?

July 1


According to Ch. 62-699 FAC “Classification and Staffing of Water or Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants and Water Distribution Systems”,
water treatment plant classification is based on what two factors?

The complexity of the operation and the design flow capacity, mgd


What is the primary MCL for lead?

0.015 mg/L


According to FDEP Ch. 62-555.320(12)(d) Permitting, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Public Water Systems, all suppliers of water shall maintain a minimum free chlorine residual of how many mg/L?

0.2 mg/L


In order to comply with 62-555.360 FAC, "Cross Connection Control for Public Water Systems", utilities must refer to what document?

AWWA Manual M14


According to FDEP Chapter 62-602 FAC, an operator could have his/her license permanently revoked for doing what?

•Falsified or misrepresented reports, logs or lab sheet

•Cheating on an exam

•Submitting false data on license application

•Incompetence in operation of a water treatment plant


According to FAC Chapter 62-550, Table 6, Secondary Drinking Water Standards, what is the MCL for color?

0.4 color units


While the SDWA gave the EPA responsibility for promulgating drinking water regulations, it gave state regulatory agencies opportunity to do what?

Assume primary responsibility for enforcing the regulations


A new potable water supply well must be sampled for bacteria a minimum of:

1 sample per day for 20 consecutive days, or 2 samples per day for 10 consecutive days


According to Ch. 62-602.870 "Drinking Water and Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators" Disciplinary Guidelines: The Department shall,
depending on aggravating and mitigating circumstances, in addition to a fine, suspend a license for a period not to exceed 2 years for any of the
following reasons: Submission of false or misleading information in an application for license or for renewal of a license, cheating on an examination and what other reason?

•Fraud in the submission of applications or documentation for license or renewal

•Determination by the Department that an operator falsified or intentionally misrepresented, or finds persistent inaccuracy or incompleteness of, data or
information contained in documents or reports

•Incompetence in the performance of duties of an operator that results in a treatment plant or water distribution system, under the direct charge of the
operator, being operated in a manner inconsistent with standard operating practice.

•Suspension of license more than twice


What causes materials to deteriorate and go into solution, and can cause a serious health hazard?



What is an example of a Tier 1 violation?

Failure to comply with an MCL