Translate the medical term pancreatolithectomy as literally as possible.
Removal of a stone in the pancreas

Which of the following roots refer to sex organs?

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term endocrine?
endo (inside) + crine (secretion) = to secrete internally (i.e., into the bloodstream)

A pituitary infarction is:
the death of the pituitary gland.

Read the health record excerpt below:
Department Course:
Miss Sweet arrived in the ED lethargic but responsive.
Given her history and vomiting, we were concerned about diabetic
ketoacidosis. The patient’s finger stick blood sugar test result of
320 confirmed hyperglycemia, and a urinalysis revealed both glucosuria
and ketonuria. An IV was started and labs were sent. Chemistry profile
showed hypernatremia, hypokalemia, and acidemia. The pediatric
intensive care team was contacted for transfer to the PICU.
Which of the following conditions was NOT noted on the
patient’s chemistry profile?
Excessive calcium in the blood

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the medical term exophthalmos?
It is a condition where the pituitary gland causes excess secretions behind the eye, causing them to protrude out of the socket.

Which medical term means "calcium in the urine"?

The hormone that is secreted by the pituitary gland and stimulates the cortex of the adrenal gland is called:
all of these.

Which of the following roots means "sugar"?
all of these

Pituitary dwarfism and pituitary gigantism are both caused by improper secretions from the pituitary gland and primarily affect a person's:

Read the following excerpt from a patient’s health record:
Temp: 98.6; HR 60; RR: 16; BP 102/62; Wt: 176.
General: No acute distress. Alert and oriented.
HEENT: PERRLA. No conjunctival injection. Mucous
membranes moist and pink. TMs normal.
Postop incision site is clean, dry and intact. No erythema induration
or discharge. No goiter.
Resp: CTA. w/o wheezes,
rales, or rhonchi.
CV: RRR without murmur.
Gen: Soft, nontender, nondistended.
Ext: No c/c/e. Labs: Mildly elevated TSH and low T4.
According to the patient’s labs, he has:
mildly elevated thyrotropin and low thyroxin.

Identify the correct pronunciation of the term thyrotropin.

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term adrenocortical carcinoma into its component parts?
adreno/cortic/al carcin/oma

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term pancreatic pseudocyst?
pancreat (pancreas) + ic (pertaining to) + pseudo (false) + cyst (cyst) =abnormally expanded area in the pancreas resembling a cyst

Choose the correct translation for the root crin/o.

Which medical term means "removal of the thymus"?

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term thyrotoxicosis?
thyro (thyroid) + toxic (poison) + osis (condition) = condition caused by the exposure of body tissue to excessive levels of thyroid hormone

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term hypoglycemic into its component parts?

Which of the following abbreviations is NOT a type of test?

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term myxedema?
myx (mucus) + edema (swelling) = swelling of the skin caused by deposits under the skin