NAPLEX Chapter 5 (Drug references) Flashcards

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created 2 years ago by taniaharper
updated 2 years ago by taniaharper
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A patient with pancreatic cancer has had a poor response to traditional therapies. The medical team wants to research if there are any investigational treatments for this condition. Which resource would be most useful for the medical team?


Select the correct chapter of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Compounding Compendium that includes standards for non-sterile compounding.



A pharmacist would like to know if there is a biosimilar product for Neupogen. What reference could the pharmacist use to find this information?

The purple book


A pharmacist needs to determine if a drug has a generic that is A-rated to the brand. Choose the reference that the pharmacist can use to locate this information.

The orange book

(Drugs that are A-rated are considered therapeutically equivalent and can be interchanged (brand to generic).)


The pharmacist is compounding cyclophosphamide oral suspension using the following master formulation record:

Cyclophosphamide Injection 1 gram
0.9% Sodium Chloride for Injection 50 mL
Ora-Plus (or simple syrup) QS 100 mL

Equipment Needed:
Sterile syringe with needle, graduated cylinder, amber bottle, gloves, mask, biological safety cabinet or vertical airflow hood

Method of Preparation:

  1. Calculate the quantity of each ingredient for the amount to be prepared.
  2. Reconstitute cyclophosphamide powder for injection with 0.9% normal saline, according to manufacturer's instructions, to make a 20 mg/mL solution.
  3. Withdraw the entire contents of the vial into a syringe and add to a graduated cylinder.
  4. QS to the final volume with Ora-Plus or simple syrup.
  5. Stir well.

Use: Cyclophosphamide oral liquid is used in the treatment of many adult and pediatric malignancies.

Packaging: Package in tight, light-resistant containers.

Labeling: Keep out of the reach of children. Shake well. Store in a refrigerator. Discard after 56 days.

Stability: A beyond-use date of 56 days can be used for this preparation only when it is stored in a refrigerator. The reported stability study used the injection as the source of the drug.

Which resource sets the standards for safe preparation of this compound?

The united states pharmacopeia chapter 800


A patient with celiac disease brings a prescription for Altace to the pharmacy and asks the pharmacist if the medication contains starch. Which would be the preferred initial resource to check which excipients are included in Altace capsules?

The Altace package insert


A patient who takes Lamictal is hospitalized with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) that has progressed to toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). The patient's physician wants to know what other possible adverse reactions from using this drug can increase the risk of mortality or hospitalization. What is the preferred resource to find this information?

The Lamictal package insert


A pharmacist needs to determine the recommended dose of iron for breast-fed babies age < 6 months. Which of the following references would provide this information? (Select ALL that apply.)

Harriet Lane



Which reference can be consulted to find room temperature stability information for this patient's diabetes medication?

Clinical pharmacology


A pharmacy student is preparing for a journal club and wants to search for clinical trials that have evaluated the risk of amputations with SGLT2 inhibitors. Which resource should she use?



A pharmacist wants to find information on a new boxed warning he heard about for febuxostat. Where is the best place to locate this information?

The FDA website


A patient is traveling to Panama and asks the pharmacist about the malaria prevalence in certain regions of the country. Which reference should the pharmacist use to find this information?

The Yellow Book


What is the name of the FDA's adverse event reporting system?



A pharmacist is preparing a presentation on the "Top Drug Interactions in Pharmacy" for a regional conference. Which resource would be useful in developing the presentation content?

Hansten and Horn's


All of the following can be found in the Drug Facts Panel of an OTC drug EXCEPT:

Chemical structure


Admission Note and Orders (April 7th):
Right leg appears more swollen than left. Probable DVT.
Differential diagnosis includes pneumonia vs. pulmonary embolism vs. COPD exacerbation.
Obtain chest X-ray, CT scan and bilateral lower extremity ultrasound.
Admit to general medical unit.
Start IV heparin. Give 80 units/kg bolus then start a continuous infusion for possible DVT/PE.
Start empiric oral antibiotics for community-acquired pneumonia.

Which drug reference would provide recommendations for empiric treatment of the possible infection?

Sanford guide


Select the correct chapter of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Compounding Compendium that includes standards for sterile compounding.



An 85-year-old female is admitted to the hospital after experiencing a fall-related hip fracture. The pharmacist is asked to assess whether any of her home medications could have contributed to her fall risk. Which of the following resources would be most useful to the pharmacist?

The Beers Criteria


A patient comes to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription. She asks about a new virus outbreak in another country that she saw on the news last night. Where can the pharmacist direct the patient for more information?

The World Health Organization


A pharmacy student is searching for off-label uses of propranolol. This information is best located in which of the following resources? (Select ALL that apply.)

Clinical pharmacology,, lexicomp


A female patient requests information on a sexually transmitted infection. Which website can the pharmacist refer her to find this information?



A pharmacy intern is participating in team-based rounds for a patient with hospital-acquired pneumonia. She wishes to review the recommended empiric antibiotic treatment. Which of the following resources could she use? (Select ALL that apply.)

IDSA website, the sanford guide


LK's nurse calls the pharmacy to ask if Zosyn can be infused via a Y-site into the line being used for the norepinephrine infusion. What reference could the pharmacist consult for the answer?



A pharmacist needs to price a drug in her store. Which drug reference will list the average wholesale price (AWP) and the suggested retail price?

The Red Book


Which of the following resources can help identify foreign drugs? (Select ALL that apply.


Index Nominum

USP dictionary of US adopted names and international drug names


A pharmacist wants to refresh her knowledge on the diagnosis and management of common neurological conditions. Which of the following would be a useful resource for the pharmacist to use? (Select ALL that apply.)

Koda-Kimble's Applied Therapeutics


The Merck Manual

DiPiros Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach


Which organization issues a guideline for the treatment of asthma?



A medical resident stops by the pharmacy satellite to inquire if he can use a copy of the "Briggs" reference guide. He needs to answer a question for his attending physician before morning rounds. The medical resident is researching which type of information?

Drug use in pregnancy


A pharmacist has opened his own community pharmacy and wishes to find a compounding formula for metronidazole benzoate oral suspension. He may be able to find guidance in which of the following resources? (Select ALL that apply.)

Allen's and the USP Compounding Compendia and National Formulary contain compounding formula recipes.


What reference could the pharmacist consult to learn more about the criteria used to diagnose GJ's psychiatric condition? (Select ALL that apply.)

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
