MGT Exam 1 Flashcards

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As discussed in your book, evidence-based management is a term that means managing by translating principles based on academic theory into management practice. T or F



In selection, just because something is stupid DOES NOT mean it is illegal T or F



An individual employee’s work performance is made up of two factors: the ability of the individual and the effort the individual puts forth. T or F



The usefulness of the selection decision should be viewed in terms of its effects over time T or F



The starting point in the selection process is job analysis. T or F



When we refer to selection in human resource management we mean

  1. the process of hiring people to fill vacancies in positions where the past incumbent voluntarily left the organization.
  2. obtaining information about the applicants' lives so we can pick the best.
  3. the process of collecting and evaluating information about an individual to extend an employment offer.
  4. eliminating from the applicant pool those people who are not qualified to perform the job.

c. the process of collecting and evaluating information about an individual to extend an employment offer.


An offer extended without collecting and evaluating information about an individual is called

  1. selection
  2. position filing
  3. hiring
  4. satisficing.

c. hiring


Work-Related Characteristics are the same as:

  1. Work requirements.
  2. Worker attributes.
  3. Job requirements.
  4. All of these.

d. all of these


Place the following steps in the development of selection programs in order:

  1. Identification of relevant job performance dimensions
  2. Job analysis

iii. Identification of knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for job

iv. Development of assessment devices

v. Validation of assessment devices

vi. Use of assessment devices in processing applicants

  1. i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi
  2. ii, i, iii, iv, v, vi
  3. ii, i, iii, v, iv, vi
  4. i, iii, ii, v, iv, vi

b. ii, i, iii, iv, v, vi


Using __________ and __________ the HR specialist must identify the WRCs and other employee characteristics that a worker should possess to perform the job successfully.

  1. assessment devices; job analysis
  2. job analysis information; job performance data
  3. job performance data; assessment devices
  4. validation data; job analysis

b. job analysis information; job performance data


Production data consists of the things that can be counted, seen, and compared directly from one worker to another. T or F



As discussed in you book, the Simple Behavioral Scale is not recommended to rate employees, due to its simplicity T or F



One type of OCB is assisting other workers. T or F



It is disappointing, but no studies have demonstrated positive effects from training programs designed to overcome rater bias. T or F



Intentional or inadvertent bias may be present in judgmental data T or F



Regarding OCBs, which of the following statements is TRUE?

  1. Workers’ OCBs have no influence on managers’ judgments of their job performance.
  2. Workers’ OCBs influence managers’ judgments of their job performance.
  3. OCBs account for limited variance in the scores of workers.
  4. OCBs are always a positive influence on job performance ratings.

b. Workers' OCBs influence managers' judgements of their job performance


The concept of job performance became more complex and difficult to measure because of all of these EXCEPT:

  1. The transition from a manufacturing to a service economy.
  2. The transition to working in teams.
  3. The rise of computer technology in the workplace.
  4. The complexity of the personalities of people doing the work.

d. The complexity of the personalities of people doing the work.


Intentional bias is displayed when the rater deliberately distorts the ratings:

  1. To be favorable.
  2. To be unfavorable.
  3. To reflect in advertent bias.
  4. Either A or B.

d. Either A or B


Which of the following is NOT a method to combine different performance measures into one?

  1. factor analysis
  2. expert judgment
  3. dollar criterion

d, behavioral analysis

d. behavioral analysis


Which of the following is not one of the common forms of rater error in performance appraisal?

  1. halo
  2. central tendency
  3. leniency
  4. criterion contamination

d. criterion contamination


There is one, clear, suitable, standard means for meeting all the technical and legal considerations of a job analysis. T or F



The success of the interview as a job analysis technique depends, to a large extent, on the skill of the interviewer. T or F



Job analysis results are used to determine the relevant WRCs. T or F



A job analysis interview is very useful for covering a large number of respondents T or F



In specifying WRCs, broad statements are preferable to specific ones T or F



Which of the following is a "good" KSA statement?

  1. knowledge of first aid procedures
  2. skill in using forklift
  3. ability to handle customer complaints
  4. all of the above are “good” KSA statements

d. all of the above are “good” KSA statements


Which of the following consists of a trained analyst asking questions of supervisors and job incumbents about the duties and responsibilities, KSAs, and equipment and/or conditions of employment for a job or class of jobs?

  1. job analysis questionnaire
  2. position analysis questionnaire
  3. job analysis interview
  4. Guidelines Oriented Job Analysis

c. job analysis interview


Job analysis questionnaires tend to fall into one of two classes. What are the classes?

  1. quantitative; qualitative
  2. prefabricated; tailored
  3. computerized; non-computerized
  4. group administered; individually administered

b. prefabricated; tailored


What is the recommended practice for choosing among job analysis methods?

  1. Cost should be the primary consideration in any job analysis study.
  2. Sample size should be the primary consideration in a job analysis study.
  3. A single method is preferable to a multi-method approach.
  4. A multi-method approach is preferable to a single method approach.

d. a multi-colored approach is preferable to a single method approach


Generally, the disabled person is responsible for informing the employer that accommodation is needed T or F



The "glass ceiling effect" refers to an employer's effort to intentionally create barriers that impede the advancement of women and minorities to higher positions T or F



The Americans with Disabilities Act protects active alcoholics who cannot perform their job duties from employment discrimination. T or F



The ADA Amendments Act of 2008 makes it easier for plaintiffs to make a case for disability. T or F



Statistical data are a major part of adverse impact cases. T or F



What is the major difference between stock and flow statistics?

  1. timing of comparisons
  2. relevant labor market
  3. location of comparisons
  4. types of applicants

a. timing of comparisons


What are the three options an employer has for defense in an adverse impact discrimination case?

  1. BFOQ (bona fide occupational qualification), reliability, customer preference
  2. business necessity, BFOQ (business-related occupational qualification), business necessity
  3. BFOQ (business firm order quantity), customer preference, business necessity
  4. business necessity, validity, BFOQ (bona fide occupational qualification

d. business necessity, validity, BFOQ (bona fide occupational qualification


Which of the following groups are specifically excluded under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1980?

  1. compulsive gamblers
  2. homosexuals
  3. pyromaniacs
  4. persons with bad attitudes

d. persons with bad attitudes


An employee or an applicant with a physical or mental limitation (i.e., a disability) must have a "reasonable accommodation" unless it creates "undue hardship" for the business. Which of the following is TRUE about definitions of "reasonable accommodation" and "undue hardship?"

  1. Generally, the nature and cost of the accommodation as well as the size, type, and finances of the specific facility and those of the parent employer are considered.
  2. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 specifically defines these terms.
  3. The executive order that gives enforcement power to the Department of Labor details such a requirement.
  4. Legislative intent outlined in the Federal Register makes clear what is meant by these terms.

a. Generally, the nature and cost of the accommodation as well as the size, type, and finances of the specific facility and those of the parent employer are considered.


______________ enforces executive orders.

a.The EEOC

b.The U.S. Congress

c.The Department of Labor

d.The U.S. Attorney General

a. The EEOC