Translate the medical term subdural hematoma as literally as possible.
Blood tumor located beneath the dura

Inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord is known as:

Translate the medical term pseudesthesia as literally as possible.
False sensation

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term synesthesia?
syn (with, together) + esthesia (feeling, sensation) = together sensation; condition where one sensation is experienced as another

Read the following excerpt from this patient’s health record:
1. Schizophrenia: Stable on new medical
2. Insomnia. Likely related to new job stress.
According to this patient’s health record, she suffers from:
an inability to sleep and a mental illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and disordered sleep.

Read the following excerpt from this patient’s health record:
Mrs. Voxenhead is here for follow-up for her schizophrenia. At her last visit, she complained of dystonia on her haloperidol. I changed her to a newer antipsychotic, and she is here today to follow up the results. Overall, her condition is improved, and she has not had any new hallucinations. Her only concern today is recent insomnia (the past week). She noticed the insomnia started when she began a new job. She says that learning her new job has been stressful. She has been anxious at night, and that has made it hard for her to sleep.
According to this excerpt, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Because of the side effects of haloperidol, the doctor prescribed her a new medication to relieve her anxiety.

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term encephalomyelitis into its component parts?

A condition characterized by reduced muscle tone is called:

Which drug dissolves clots?

Translate the medical term postictal as literally as possible.
After seizure

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term neurolysis?
neuro (nerve) + lysis (loose) = destruction of nerve tissue

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term encephalography?
encephalo (brain) + graph (writing) + y (procedure) = procedure for studying the brain

Identify and define the root in the term hypnotic.
hypno - sleep

Which of the following is NOT true about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?
It refers to the underdevelopment of the muscles on the spinal column that leads to nerve softening and weakness.

Build a medical term that means "incision into a lobe."

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term cerebrotomy?
cerebro (brain) + tomy (incision) = incision into the brain

A loss or decline in mental function is called:

The widening or abnormal dilation of a blood vessel in the brain is known as a:
cerebral aneurysm.

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term craniosynostosis?
cranio (skull) + syn (together) + ost (bone) + osis (condition) = premature fusing of the skull bones

Translate the medical term psychiatry as literally as possible.
"Mind treatment specialty": branch of medicine that focuses on the treatment of the mind.