unit 1 practice Flashcards

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The satellite images show changes to a portion of the Louisiana coast between 1984 and 2017. The table shows the changes in land acreage. Which of the following best describes the changes and a consequence of the changes?

An increase in the acreage of coastal land, which will be added to navigational charts for shipping


The maps show residential neighborhoods in the Republic of Singapore. Which of the following individuals or organizations would be most likely to make a decision based on the spatial pattern shown on the maps?

A government agency seeking to promote equal opportunities across ethnicities


An international company is looking to expand its network of factories, which use labor-intensive production methods, in a region of the world experiencing significant growth in the working-age population. Based on the data in the table, which of the following regions should the company choose?

Sub-Saharan Africa, which will have the fastest working-age growth rate among world regions from 2015 to 2030


Which of the following best describes the type of information provided in the directions?

Relative location


Which of the following spatial patterns accurately describes the data presented in the map?

The majority of countries with less than 70 percent secondary school enrollment are in sub-Saharan Africa.


Which of the following best describes the spatial pattern of ethnicity in Singapore's neighborhoods?

Ethnic Chinese residents are in the majority across most of the city, while ethnic Malay and ethnic Indian residents are concentrated in the peripheral neighborhoods.


Which of the following scales of analysis would provide demographic data that could be used to compare one urban neighborhood to other urban neighborhoods across a country?

Census tract or enumeration area


Which of the following scales is represented in the map shown?

Local, showing the towns and township areas in a county


Why would a town planner use a map at the 1:24,000 scale rather than a map at the 1:250,000 scale?

The map at the 1:24,000 scale shows the town close-up in more detail.


Which of the following terms best describes regions that make up the political geographic divisions within a country?



Watershed: A region in which all rainfall eventually flows downhill through a system of streams and tributaries into the same body of water, such as the catchment basin of a river or lake.

Milkshed: A region in which fresh milk is produced and can be delivered without spoilage for sale and consumption. A dairy farm sits at the center of an area, the size of which is determined by how far fresh milk can be shipped and still maintain shelf-life for consumers.

Given the definitions, watersheds and milksheds can best be classified as what type of region?



Which of the following are the best examples of vernacular regions?

The American West and the American Midwest


The images show a topographic map and a geographic information systems (GIS) representation of Mount Shasta in California. Which of the following statements best explains why these printed images are geometrically distorted representations of Earth’s surface?

The three dimensions of Earth’s surface are displayed on a two-dimensional page.


Which of the following statements about the Robinson projection is correct?

It is more accurate than the Mercator projection in showing the sizes of countries in higher latitudes.


Which of the following is a characteristic of the Mercator projection?

The size and shape of countries in the higher latitudes are greatly exaggerated.


Which of the following concepts could best be explained by the theory of possibilism?

Modification of landscapes by human cultures


Which of the following global trends best exemplifies the concept of sustainability?

An increase in the use of electric vehicles, because their reduced emissions result in less environmental pollution.


The concept of environmental sustainability is best explained by which of the following examples?

Terracing rice paddies on hillsides, to prevent soil erosion and provide gravity-fed irrigation


A political polling company wants to use census data to collect information on voters in a city by neighborhood. Based on the types of information collected in the survey form, which of the following could be mapped using census data?

The number of voting-age residents per household


Market research reports and profiles of voting districts like those shown are examples of spatial analysis products. Which of the following data sources is most frequently used to create the spatial analysis products shown in the examples?

Census surveys


The table shows the types of information collected by a store regarding customer purchases. Which of the following data could be used in a geographical information system (GIS) to increase sales?

ZIP code