Medical Terminology for Health Professions, Spiral bound Version: Comprehensive Reveiw Flashcards

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The medical term that describes a torn or jagged wound is a ---.

A laceration is a torn or jagged wound or an accidental cut wound.

Chapter 1


The medical term for the partial or complete blockage of the small and/or large intestine is ---.

An ileus is the partial or complete blockage of the small and/or large intestine that is caused by the stopping of normal intestinal peristalsis.

Chapter 8


The medical term for bleeding from the ear is ---.

Otorrhagia is bleeding from the ear (OT/O means ear, and -RRHAGIA means bleeding).

Chapter 11


The medical term that describes sudden, severe bleeding is ---.

The medical term that describes sudden, severe bleeding is hemorrhage (HEM/O means blood, and -RRHAGE means bleeding or abnormal excessive fluid discharge).

Chapter 1


The term that describes the condition commonly known as swollen glands is called ---.

Lymphadenitis, commonly known as swollen glands, is an inflammation of the lymph nodes (LYMPHADEN means lymph node, and -ITIS means inflammation).

Chapter 6


The medical term for the visualization of body parts in motion by projecting x-ray images on a luminous fluorescent screen is called ---.

Fluoroscopy is the visualization of body parts in motion by projecting x-ray images on a luminous fluorescent screen (FLUOR/O means glowing, and -SCOPY means visual examination).

Chapter 15


The bruising of brain tissue as a result of a head injury is called a ---.

A cerebral contusion is the bruising of brain tissue as the result of a head injury that causes the brain to bounce against the rigid bone of the skull (CONTUS means bruise, and -ION means condition).

Chapter 10


fficult or painful urination is called ---.

Dysuria is difficult or painful urination (DYS- means painful and -URIA means urination).

Chapter 9


The cavity that is located within the skull and surrounds and protects the brain is called the --- cavity.

The cranial cavity, which is located within the skull, surrounds and protects the brain.

Chapter 2


The medical term for the abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity is ---.

Ascites is an abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity.

Chapter 8


The malignant condition distinguished by the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells is ---.

Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a cancer of the immune system distinguished by the presence of large, cancerous lymphocytes known as Reed-Sternberg cells.

Chapter 6


The process by which waste products are filtered directly from the blood of patients whose kidneys no longer function is called ---.

Hemodialysis is the process by which waste products are filtered directly from the patient’s blood (HEM/O means blood, DIA means complete or through, and -LYSIS means separation).

Chapter 9


An inflammation of the lacrimal gland that can be caused by a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection is known as ---.

Dacryoadenitis is an inflammation of the lacrimal gland caused by a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection (DACRY/O means tear, ADEN means gland, and -ITIS means inflammation).

Chapter 11


An injection that is made into the fatty layer just below the skin is called ---.

A subcutaneous injection is made into the fatty layer just below the skin.

Chapter 15


The physical wasting with the loss of weight and muscle mass due to diseases such as advanced cancer is known as ---.

Cachexia is a condition of physical wasting away due to the loss of weight and muscle mass that occurs in patients with diseases such as advanced cancer or AIDS.

Chapter 8


A/An --- specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the foot.

A podiatrist specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the foot (POD means foot, and -IATRIST means specialist).

Chapter 3


The excess secretion of growth hormone that causes both acromegaly and gigantism is called ---.

Hyperpituitarism is the excess secretion of growth hormone that causes both acromegaly and gigantism (HYPER- means excessive, PITUITAR means pituitary , and -ISM means condition).

Chapter 13


The greenish material that forms the first stool of a newborn is known as ---.

Meconium is the greenish material that collects in the intestine of a fetus and forms the first stool of a newborn.

Chapter 14


The distortion or impairment of voluntary movement such as in a tic or spasm is known as ---.

Dyskinesia is the distortion or impairment of voluntary movement resulting in fragmented or jerky motions (DYS- means bad, KINES means movement, and -IA means condition).

Chapter 4


The eye condition that causes the loss of central vision, but not total blindness, is known as ---.

Macular degeneration is a gradually progressive condition in which the macula at the center of the retina is damaged, resulting in the loss of central vision but not in total blindness (MACUL means spot, and -AR means pertaining to).

Chapter 11


The medical condition sometimes referred to as male menopause and characterized by the decrease of the male hormone testosterone is called ---.

The medical condition andropause is sometimes referred to as male menopause and is characterized by the decrease of the male hormone testosterone (ANDR/O means male or masculine, and -PAUSE means stopping).

Chapter 14


A discolored flat spot that is less than 1 cm in diameter, such as a freckle, is called ---.

A macule is a discolored flat spot that is less than 1 cm in diameter.

Chapter 12


The medical term for an abnormally rapid resting heart rate is ---.

Tachycardia is an abnormally rapid resting heart rate (TACHY- means rapid, CARD means heart, and -IA means abnormal condition).

Chapter 5


Abnormally rapid, deep breathing resulting in decreased levels of carbon dioxide in the blood is known as ---.

Hyperventilation is an abnormally rapid rate of deep respiration, resulting in decreased levels of carbon dioxide, and it is usually associated with anxiety (HYPER- means excessive, and -VENTILATION means breathing).

Chapter 7


The medical term for an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine is ---.

Scoliosis is an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine (SCOLI means curved, and -OSIS means abnormal condition or disease).

Chapter 3