Civics and Participation: Voting Flashcards

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created 3 years ago by BennySmith
Grade levels:
9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade
american government
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Look at the bar graph.

Which would be the best title for this graph?

Voter Turnout, 2006-2012

Presidential Winners and Losers

Presidential Election Years, 2006-2012

Number of US Voters

Voter Turnout, 2006-2012


Look at the bar graph.

What is the best conclusion that someone can draw about the youth vote in recent presidential elections?

The same number of youth voted in 2008 as in 2012.

Most young voters favor Republican candidates.

Most young voters favor Democratic candidates.

Young voters represent most of the electorate.

Most young voters favor Democratic candidates.


What happens when voters are out of state on Election Day?

They must wait until the next election to vote.

They must register again to vote.

They must vote at a local polling place.

They must vote using an absentee ballot.

They must vote using an absentee ballot.


Look at the table.

What information is missing from the table that could help someone draw the most accurate conclusion about voter turnout in primaries and general elections?

the year in which this election took place

the candidates running for President

the percentage of Democratic primary voters

the states of New Jersey and Arizona

the percentage of Democratic primary voters


What is the most accurate conclusion someone can draw from this graph?

Men who have completed some college are more likely than women who have completed high school to use nontraditional voting methods.

Women who have attained higher education are more likely than men who have completed high school to use nontraditional voting methods.

Younger voters are more likely to use nontraditional voting methods than older voters.

Older voters are more likely to use nontraditional voting methods than younger voters.

Older voters are more likely to use nontraditional voting methods than younger voters.


In 2019, the Supreme Court ordered the state of North Carolina to redraw gerrymandered voting districts. Which case set a precedent for this order?

Citizens United v. FEC

Baker v. Carr

Abbot v. Perez

Bush v. Gore

Baker v. Carr


Look at the bar graph, which shows voter turnout in 2016 and 2020.

Which is the best conclusion someone can draw from this graph?

All income groups vote at roughly the same percentage.

Citizens with higher incomes are more likely to vote.

People with mid-level income vote at the highest rates.

Income level is not related with voter turnout.

Citizens with higher incomes are more likely to vote.


Look at the table, which shows that while some states allow same-day voter registration, others do not.

What conclusion can best be drawn from the information in the table?

More states offered same-day registration than states that did not.

States with same-day registration had a higher voter turnout than states without same-day registration.

More voters cast ballots in 2008 than in 2012, no matter what their state’s registration policy.

Voter turnout was much the same in states with and without same-day registration.

States with same-day registration had a higher voter turnout than states without same-day registration.


Before people can take part in an election in the United States, they must

pass a written test about the Constitution.

register with their states to vote.

prove that they own property.

demonstrate the ability to speak proper English.

register with their states to vote.


Look at the information in this bar graph.

Based on this graph, what conclusion can someone draw?

Voters were not as interested in the issues in 2006 as they were in 2014.

Voter turnout in national election years is irregular from 2006 to 2020.

The majority of Americans vote in every election.

Older voters boycotted the polls in 2006, 2010, and 2014.

Voter turnout in national election years is irregular from 2006 to 2020.