Chapter 7 - Alkyl Halides and Nucleophillic Substitution Flashcards

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created 3 years ago by alexisho1
updated 3 years ago by alexisho1
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Give the IUPAC name for the following compound


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Give the IUPAC name for the following compound

(3S, 4S)-4-ethyl-3-fluoroheptane

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Give the IUPAC name for the following compound


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Give the structure corresponding to the IUPAC Name giving


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Draw the products of the substitution reaction. Indicate the stereochemistry where appropriate.

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Draw the products of the substitution reaction. Indicate the stereochemistry where appropriate.

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Determine the faster substitution reaction among the following pairs and explain why?

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Draw a mechanism using curved arrows. Draw an energy diagram including the labeled axis, reactants, products, Ea, and overall enthalpy. Assume the reaction is exothermic. Draw the structure of the transition state.

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Draw a mechanism using curved arrows. Draw an energy diagram including the labeled axis, reactants, products, Ea, and overall enthalpy. Assume the reaction is endothermic. Draw the structure of the transition state.

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What is the rate equation for the following reaction.

A. What happens if the leaving group is changed from Br to F

B. What happens if the solvent is changed from CH3OH and DMSO

C. The concentration of Sodium Hydroxide is increased by a factor of 2

D. The concentration of the Alkyl Halide and Sodium Hydroxide is decreased by a factor of 5

Rate = [Alkyl Halide] [-OH]

A. Rate decreased

B. Rate increased

C. Rate increased by a factor of 2

D. Rate is decreased by a factor of 25

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What is the rate equation for the following reaction.

A. What happens if the leaving group is changed to I to Cl

B. What happens if the solvent is changed from THF to CH3OH

C. The concentration of water is tripled

D. The concentration of water and the alkyl halide is decreased by a factor of 4

Rate = [Alkyl Halide]

A. Rate decreased

B. Rate increased

C. The rate does not change

C. Rate is decreased by a factor of 4

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Determine the mechanism of nucleophilic substitution of the reaction using curved arrow notation. Draw the products, including stereochemistry if applicable.

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Determine the mechanism of nucleophilic substitution of the reaction using curved arrow notation. Draw the products, including stereochemistry.

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