36 Flashcards

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A student nurse is assessing the peripheral vascular system of an older adult. What action by the student

would cause the faculty member to intervene?

a. Assessing blood pressure in both upper extremities

b. Auscultating the carotid arteries for any bruits

c. Classifying capillary refill of 4 seconds as normal

d. Palpating both carotid arteries at the same time



The nurse is reviewing the lipid panel of a male client who has atherosclerosis. Which finding is most


a. Cholesterol: 126 mg/dL

b. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C): 48 mg/dL

c. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C): 122 mg/dL

d. Triglycerides: 198 mg/dL



The nurse is evaluating a 3-day diet history with a client who has an elevated lipid panel. What meal

selection indicates the client is managing this condition well with diet?

a. A 4-ounce steak, French fries, iceberg lettuce

b. Baked chicken breast, broccoli, tomatoes

c. Fried catfish, cornbread, peas

d. Spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic bread



A nurse is working with a client who takes atorvastatin (Lipitor). The clients recent laboratory results include a blood urea nitrogen (BUN) of 33 mg/dL and creatinine of 2.8 mg/dL. What action by the nurse is


a. Ask if the client eats grapefruit.

b. Assess the client for dehydration.

c. Facilitate admission to the hospital.

d. Obtain a random urinalysis.



A client has been diagnosed with hypertension but does not take the antihypertensive medications because

of a lack of symptoms. What response by the nurse is best?

a. Do you have trouble affording your medications?

b. Most people with hypertension do not have symptoms.

c. You are lucky; most people get severe morning headaches.

d. You need to take your medicine or you will get kidney failure.



A student nurse asks what essential hypertension is. What response by the registered nurse is best?

a. It means it is caused by another disease.

b. It means it is essential that it be treated.

c. It is hypertension with no specific cause.

d. It refers to severe and life-threatening hypertension.



A nurse is interested in providing community education and screening on hypertension. In order to reach a

priority population, to what target audience should the nurse provide this service?

a. African-American churches

b. Asian-American groceries

c. High school sports camps

d. Womens health clinics



A client has hypertension and high risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The client is overwhelmed with

the recommended lifestyle changes. What action by the nurse is best?

a. Assess the clients support system.

b. Assist in finding one change the client can control.

c. Determine what stressors the client faces in daily life.

d. Inquire about delegating some of the clients obligations



The nurse is caring for four hypertensive clients. Which druglaboratory value combination should the nurse

report immediately to the health care provider?

a. Furosemide (Lasix)/potassium: 2.1 mEq/L

b. Hydrochlorothiazide (Hydrodiuril)/potassium: 4.2 mEq/L

c. Spironolactone (Aldactone)/potassium: 5.1 mEq/L

d. Torsemide (Demadex)/sodium: 142 mEq/L



A nurse is assessing a client with peripheral artery disease (PAD). The client states walking five blocks is

possible without pain. What question asked next by the nurse will give the best information?

a. Could you walk further than that a few months ago?

b. Do you walk mostly uphill, downhill, or on flat surfaces?

c. Have you ever considered swimming instead of walking?

d. How much pain medication do you take each day?



An older client with peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is explaining the daily foot care regimen to the

family practice clinic nurse. What statement by the client may indicate a barrier to proper foot care?

a. I nearly always wear comfy sweatpants and house shoes.

b. Im glad I get energy assistance so my house isnt so cold.

c. My daughter makes sure I have plenty of lotion for my feet.

d. My hands shake when I try to do things requiring coordination



A client is taking warfarin (Coumadin) and asks the nurse if taking St. Johns wort is acceptable. What

response by the nurse is best?

a. No, it may interfere with the warfarin.

b. There isnt any information about that.

c. Why would you want to take that?

d. Yes, it is a good supplement for you.



A nurse is teaching a larger female client about alcohol intake and how it affects hypertension. The client

asks if drinking two beers a night is an acceptable intake. What answer by the nurse is best?

a. No, women should only have one beer a day as a general rule.

b. No, you should not drink any alcohol with hypertension.

c. Yes, since you are larger, you can have more alcohol.

d. Yes, two beers per day is an acceptable amount of alcohol.



A nurse is caring for four clients. Which one should the nurse see first?

a. Client who needs a beta blocker, and has a blood pressure of 92/58 mm Hg

b. Client who had a first dose of captopril (Capoten) and needs to use the bathroom

c. Hypertensive client with a blood pressure of 188/92 mm Hg

d. Client who needs pain medication prior to a dressing change of a surgical wound.



A client had a percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty for peripheral arterial disease. What

assessment finding by the nurse indicates a priority outcome for this client has been met?

a. Pain rated as 2/10 after medication

b. Distal pulse on affected extremity 2+/4+

c. Remains on bedrest as directed

d. Verbalizes understanding of procedure



A client is 4 hours postoperative after a femoropopliteal bypass. The client reports throbbing leg pain on

the affected side, rated as 7/10. What action by the nurse takes priority?

a. Administer pain medication as ordered.

b. Assess distal pulses and skin color.

c. Document the findings in the clients chart.

d. Notify the surgeon immediately.



A client had a femoropopliteal bypass graft with a synthetic graft. What action by the nurse is most

important to prevent wound infection?

a. Appropriate hand hygiene before giving care

b. Assessing the clients temperature every 4 hours

c. Clean technique when changing dressings

d. Monitorin the clients daily white blood cell count



A client is receiving an infusion of alteplase (Activase) for an intra-arterial clot. The client begins to

mumble and is disoriented. What action by the nurse takes priority?

a. Assess the clients neurologic status.

b. Notify the Rapid Response Team.

c. Prepare to administer vitamin K.

d. Turn down the infusion rate.



A nursing student is caring for a client with an abdominal aneurysm. What action by the student requires

the registered nurse to intervene?

a. Assesses the client for back pain

b. Auscultates over abdominal bruit

c. Measures the abdominal girth

d. Palpates the abdomen in four quadrants



A nurse is caring for a client with a deep vein thrombosis (DVT). What nursing assessment indicates a

priority outcome has been met?

a. Ambulates with assistance

b. Oxygen saturation of 98%

c. Pain of 2/10 after medication

d. Verbalizing risk factors



A client has a deep vein thrombosis (DVT). What comfort measure does the nurse delegate to the

unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)?

a. Ambulate the client.

b. Apply a warm moist pack.

c. Massage the clients leg.

d. Provide an ice pack.



A nurse is assessing an obese client in the clinic for follow-up after an episode of deep vein thrombosis.

The client has lost 20 pounds since the last visit. What action by the nurse is best?

a. Ask if the weight loss was intended.

b. Encourage a high-protein, high-fiber diet.

c. Measure for new compression stockings.

d. Review a 3-day food recall diary.



A nurse wants to provide community service that helps meet the goals of Healthy People 2020 (HP2020)

related to cardiovascular disease and stroke. What activity would best meet this goal?

a. Teach high school students heart-healthy living.

b. Participate in blood pressure screenings at the mall.

c. Provide pamphlets on heart disease at the grocery store.

d. Set up an Ask the nurse booth at the pet store.



A client has been diagnosed with a deep vein thrombosis and is to be discharged on warfarin (Coumadin).

The client is adamant about refusing the drug because its dangerous. What action by the nurse is best?

a. Assess the reason behind the clients fear.

b. Remind the client about laboratory monitoring.

c. Tell the client drugs are safer today than before.

d. Warn the client about consequences of noncompliance.



A client with a history of heart failure and hypertension is in the clinic for a follow-up visit. The client is on

lisinopril (Prinivil) and warfarin (Coumadin). The client reports new-onset cough. What action by the nurse is

most appropriate?

a. Assess the clients lung sounds and oxygenation.

b. Instruct the client on another antihypertensive.

c. Obtain a set of vital signs and document them.

d. Remind the client that cough is a side effect of Prinivil



A nurse is caring for a client with a nonhealing arterial lower leg ulcer. What action by the nurse is best?

a. Consult with the Wound Ostomy Care Nurse.

b. Give pain medication prior to dressing changes.

c. Maintain sterile technique for dressing changes.

d. Prepare the client for eventual amputation.



A client has peripheral arterial disease (PAD). What statement by the client indicates misunderstanding

about self-management activities?

a. I can use a heating pad on my legs if its set on low.

b. I should not cross my legs when sitting or lying down.

c. I will go out and buy some warm, heavy socks to wear.

d. Its going to be really hard but I will stop smoking.



A client presents to the emergency department with a severely lacerated artery. What is the priority action

for the nurse?

a. Administer oxygen via non-rebreather mask.

b. Ensure the client has a patent airway.

c. Prepare to assist with suturing the artery.

d. Start two large-bore IVs with normal saline.



The nurse is assessing a client on admission to the hospital. The clients leg appears as shown below:

What action by the nurse is best?

a. Assess the clients ankle-brachial index.

b. Elevate the clients leg above the heart.

c. Obtain an ice pack to provide comfort.

d. Prepare to teach about heparin sodium.



What nonpharmacologic comfort measures should the nurse include in the plan of care for a client with

severe varicose veins? (Select all that apply.)

a. Administering mild analgesics for pain

b. Applying elastic compression stockings

c. Elevating the legs when sitting or lying

d. Reminding the client to do leg exercises

e. Teaching the client about surgical options





A nurse is preparing a client for a femoropopliteal bypass operation. What actions does the nurse delegate to

the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? (Select all that apply.)

a. Administering preoperative medication

b. Ensuring the consent is signed

c. Marking pulses with a pen

d. Raising the siderails on the bed

e. Recording baseline vital signs




A client has been bedridden for several days after major abdominal surgery. What action does the nurse

delegate to the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prevention? (Select all

that apply.)

a. Apply compression stockings.

b. Assist with ambulation.

c. Encourage coughing and deep breathing.

d. Offer fluids frequently.

e. Teach leg exercises.





A nurse is caring for a client on IV infusion of heparin. What actions does this nurse include in the clients

plan of care? (Select all that apply.)

a. Assess the client for bleeding.

b. Monitor the daily activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) results.

c. Stop the IV for aPTT above baseline.

d. Use an IV pump for the infusion.

e. Weigh the client daily on the same scale.





A client is being discharged on warfarin (Coumadin) therapy. What discharge instructions is the nurse

required to provide? (Select all that apply.)

a. Dietary restrictions

b. Driving restrictions

c. Follow-up laboratory monitoring

d. Possible drug-drug interactions

e. Reason to take medication






Which statements by the client indicate good understanding of foot care in peripheral vascular disease?

(Select all that apply.)

a. A good abrasive pumice stone will keep my feet soft.

b. Ill always wear shoes if I can buy cheap flip-flops.

c. I will keep my feet dry, especially between the toes.

d. Lotion is important to keep my feet smooth and soft.

e. Washing my feet in room-temperature water is best.





A nurse is caring for a client with a nonhealing arterial ulcer. The physician has informed the client about

possibly needing to amputate the clients leg. The client is crying and upset. What actions by the nurse are best?

(Select all that apply.)

a. Ask the client to describe his or her current emotions.

b. Assess the client for support systems and family.

c. Offer to stay with the client if he or she desires.

d. Relate how smoking contributed to this situation.

e. Tell the client that many people have amputations.





The nurse working in the emergency department knows that which factors are commonly related to aneurysm formation? (Select all that apply.)

a. Atherosclerosis

b. Down syndrome

c. Frequent heartburn

d. History of hypertension

e. History of smoking





A client with a known abdominal aortic aneurysm reports dizziness and severe abdominal pain. The nurse

assesses the clients blood pressure at 82/40 mm Hg. What actions by the nurse are most important? (Select all

that apply.)

a. Administer pain medication.

b. Assess distal pulses every 10 minutes.

c. Have the client sign a surgical consent.

d. Notify the Rapid Response Team.

e. Take vital signs every 10 minutes.





A nurse is caring for a client who weighs 220 pounds and is started on enoxaparin (Lovenox). How much

enoxaparin does the nurse anticipate administering? (Record your answer using a whole number.) _____ mg
