Final Practice Flashcards

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A homogeneous mixture is also called a ____________.

A) solution

B) pure substance

C) heterogeneous mixture

D) liquid

A) solution


Italian dressing contains olive oil and vinegar, which will separate out from each other if left to sit. This makes the dressing a:

A) heterogeneous mixture

B) Homogeneous mixture

C) Both (A) and (B)

D) None of the above+

A) heterogeneous mixture

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Which of the following states of matter is pictured below?

A) solid


Which one of the following is an example of an element?

A) brass

B) nickel

C) bronze

D) sterling silver

B) nickel


Which one of the following is an example of a homogenous mixture?

A) coffee

B) salt

C) concrete

D) iron

A) coffee


Which one of the following is an example of a heterogenous mixture?

A) coffee

B) water

C) sand

D) tap water

C) sand


Which one of the following would be a chemical property of a sample of neon gas?

A) It is a gas at room temperature.

B) It is inert.

C) It is colorless.

D) It boils at -246 °C.+

B) It is inert.


Which one of the following would be a physical property of glucose?

A) It is used by the body to generate energy.

B) When combined with sulfuric acid it forms carbon.

C) In its pure form, it is a white powder.

D) It can be fermented to form ethanol.+

C) In its pure form, it is a white powder.


Which of the following is the first step in the scientific method?

A) Hypothesis Formation

B) Analysis of Results

C) Background Research

D) Observation

E) Experimentation

D) Observation


Which hypothesis in this list is NOT testable by science?

A) The earth is a flat disc.

B) Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.

C) The boiling point of water increases with increasing elevation.

D) The conductivity of saltwater increases with increasing concentration.

E) No man is immortal.+

E) No man is immortal.


If you go mini-golfing, in which of these scenarios are you precise but not accurate?

A) You hit all holes in one.

B) You take six strokes at each hole.

C) It always takes you a long time to get your shots in

D) All of your shots are off, but they all go to the same place.+

D) All of your shots are off, but they all go to the same place.


Which of the following is a physical change?

A) An alkaline battery is discharged.

B) A lithium-ion battery is recharged.

C) Water is boiled in a microwave.

D) A car battery is jump-started.

E) A pinch of salt is dissolved in water.

C) Water is boiled in a microwave.


The process of fermentation is example of

A) a chemical change

B) a mixture

C) a physical change

D) an intensive property

A) a chemical change


Which of the following metric prefixes corresponds to 10³?

A) centi-

B) kilo-

C) mega-

D) micro-

E) milli-

B) kilo-


Which of the following metric prefixes corresponds to 10⁶?

A) centi-

B) kilo-

C) mega-

D) micro-

E) milli-

C) mega-


Which of the following metric prefixes corresponds to 10⁻³?

A) centi-

B) kilo-

C) mega-

D) micro-

E) milli-+

E) milli-


Which of the following metric prefixes corresponds to 10⁻⁶?

A) centi-

B) kilo-

C) mega-

D) micro-

E) milli-

D) micro-


How many milliliters are in a liter?

1000 mL


Which of the following quantities is equivalent to 3.7 cm?

A) 3.7×10⁻³ m

B) 3.7×10⁻⁵ km

C) 3.7×10⁻² mm

D) 3.7×10⁵ μm

E) 3.7×10² mm

B) 3.7×10⁻⁵ km


Which of the following represents an exact quantity?

A) There are 2.54 cm in an inch.

B) A man is 5 feet 10 inches tall.

C) A man weighs 200 lb.

D) It takes 15 minutes to drive to the grocery store.

E) There are 80 grams of sugar in a serving of soda.

A) There are 2.54 cm in an inch.


Which one of the following is the largest mass?

A) 7.6 × 10⁴ mg

B) 7.6 × 10 ng

C) 7.6 × 10⁻² kg

D) 7.6 × 10⁸ μg

D) 7.6 × 10⁸ μg


Which one of the following is the smallest volume?

A) 310 mL

B) 0.031 dL

C) 3.1 L

D) 31000 μL

B) 0.031 dL


You have a 100 gram sample of each of the following metals. Which sample has the smallest volume?

A) Aluminum, d = 2.7 g/cm³

B) Gold, d = 19.3 g/cm³

C) Iron, d = 7.86 g/cm³

D) Magnesium, d = 1.74 g/cm³

E) Silver, d = 10.5 g/cm³

B) Gold, d = 19.3 g/cm³


The density of water is approximately 1 g/cm³. Which of these substances will sink in water?

A) Liquid hydrogen, d = 0.070 g/cm³

B) Lithium, d = 0.535 g/cm³

C) Potassium, d = 0.860 g/cm³

D) Polymer resin, d = 1.03 g/cm³+

D) Polymer resin, d = 1.03 g/cm³


You have a sample of each of the following five metals, with the mass and density of each sample given. Which sample has the smallest volume?

A) Aluminum, mass = 138 g, d = 2.7 g/cm³

B) Copper, mass = 225 g, d = 8.92 g/cm³

C) Iron, mass = 235 g, d = 7.86 g/cm³

D) Magnesium, mass = 105 g, d = 1.74 g/cm³

E) Silver, mass = 215 g, d = 10.5 g/cm³

E) Silver, mass = 215 g, d = 10.5 g/cm³


A chemist has a block of aluminum metal (density is 2.7 g/mL). They drop the metal into a graduated cylinder containing water, and find the volume change is 1.5 mL. What is the mass of the block, in grams?

4.1 g


Which one of the following would have the largest mass?A) a cube of tin (d = 5.75 g/cm³) that is 1.80 cm on each side.B) 30.0 mL of water (d = 1.00 g/mL).C) a 24.5 g sample of copper (d = 8.98 g/cm³).D) 4.50 cm³ of silver (d = 10.5 g/cm³).

4.1 g


Which one of the following would have the largest mass?

A) a cube of tin (d = 5.75 g/cm³) that is 1.80 cm on each side.

B) 30.0 mL of water (d = 1.00 g/mL).

C) a 24.5 g sample of copper (d = 8.98 g/cm³).

) 4.50 cm³ of silver (d = 10.5 g/cm³).

D) 4.50 cm³ of silver (d = 10.5 g/cm³).

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the answer to the calculation below with the correct number of significant figures is

A) 190

B) 185

C) 185.2

D) 200

A) 190


Which of the following numbers contains four significant figures?

A) 1561.0

B) 0.053

C) 0.761

D) 3.101

E) 1400

D) 3.101


How many significant figures does the number 23.070 have?



The number 0.01060 has ___ significant figures.



The number 4.0 × 10⁵ has ___ significant figures.



The number 6.11 × 10⁻² when taken out of scientific notation would be

A) 0.00611

B) 0.0611

C) 611

D) 6110

B) 0.0611


The number 875000 written in scientific notation would be

A) 8.75 × 10⁵

B) 8.75 × 10⁻⁴

C) 8.75 × 10⁴

D) 8.75 × 10⁻⁵

A) 8.75 × 10⁵


Jamel is to receive Cleocin 275 mg IV for 6.00 hr. The concentration of the solution is 5.00 mg/mL. What is the volume of the solution in milliliters that will need to be delivered?

55.0 mL


Convert 5.32 × 10⁻⁷s to micro seconds. Use only the metric system.

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55.0 mL


Convert 0.0134 L to milliliters. Use only the metric system.

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13.4 mL.


Convert 2.87 kg to grams. Use only the metric system.

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2870 g.


A person loses 2.70 lb in two weeks. How many grams did they lose?

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1220 g


A race car has a maximum speed of 0.104km/s. What is this speed in miles per hour?

233 mi / hr.


Convert -32.1 °C to K.

241.1 K


Convert -115.1 °C to °F.-175.18

-175.2 °F


Convert 15.0 inches to meters. (2.54 cm = 1 inch)

0.381 m


Rutherford's gold foil experiment determined that

A) neutrons are in the nucleus.

B) electrons have a negative charge.

C) most of the space in an atom is empty except for a concentrated area called the nucleus.

D) protons and neutrons have about the same mass.

E) neutrons have no charge.

C) most of the space in an atom is empty except for a concentrated area called the nucleus.


Which has a greater mass?

A) Electron

B) Proton

C) They have equal masses

D) Not enough information

B) Proton


Which particle(s) may be found in the nucleus of an atom?

A) Proton and electron

B) Proton and neutron

C) Proton only

D) Neutron only

E) Neutron and electron

B) Proton and neutron


What is the element symbol for aluminum?

A) Au

B) Am

C) Al

D) A

E) An

C) Al


What is the element symbol for fluorine?

A) Fl

B) Fu

C) Fi

D) F

E) Fe

D) F


What is the element symbol for gold?A) Au

B) Am

C) Al

D) A

E) An

A) Au


The element symbol for lead is __.

A) La

B) Le

C) Sb

D) Lu

E) Pb

E) Pb


The symbol Hg represents the element _____

A) hydrogen

B) mercury

C) helium

D) holmium

E) seaborgium

B) mercury


What element has the symbol Pb?

A) praseodymium

B) potassium

C) lead

D) phosphorus

E) polonium

C) lead


Which element has the symbol Sn?

A) tin

B) scandium

C) samarium

D) lead

E) antimony

A) tin


Which of the following sets of elements and symbols is paired incorrectly?

A) iron, Fe

B) sodium, S

C) tin, Sn

D) potassium, K

E) copper, Cu

B) sodium, S


A mass spectrometer measures neon to have two masses: 20 and 22 atomic mass units. These are:

A) Isotopes

B) Ions

C) Compounds

D) None of the above

A) Isotopes


How many protons are in an atom of Co?



What does the mass number of an atom represent?

A) number of neutrons in the atom

B) number of protons in the atom

C) atomic mass of the element

D) total number of electrons and neutrons in the atom

E) total number of protons and neutrons in the atom

E) total number of protons and neutrons in the atom


An unknown element X has the following isotopes: ⁵²X (90.00% abundant), ⁴⁹X (8.00% abundant), ⁵⁰X (2.00% abundant). What is the average atomic mass in amu of X?

51.7 amu


There are two naturally occurring isotopes of europium, ¹⁵¹Eu (151.0 amu) and ¹⁵³Eu (153.0 amu). If the atomic mass of Eu is 151.96, what is the approximate natural abundance of ¹⁵¹Eu?

A) 20%

B) 40%

C) 50%

D) 60%

E) 80%

C) 50%


What is the atomic symbol for the element in Group 5A (15) and the fifth period?

A) As

B) Sb

C) Sn

D) Te

E) Bi

B) Sb


Which of the following elements is NOT a metal?

A) arsenic

B) indium

C) iridium

D) lithium

E) lutetium

A) arsenic


Which of the following numbered groups on the periodic table represents the noble gases?

A) Group 1

B) Group 2

C) Group 16

D) Group 17

E) Group 18

E) Group 18


Determine the number of protons (p) and electrons (e) in N³⁻.

A) 10 p, 7 e

B) 7 p, 10 e

C) 7 p, 7 e

D) 7 p, 9 e

E) 10 p, 10 e

B) 7 p, 10 e


Which of the following represents a species with 16 protons and 18 electrons?

A) Ar

B) S

C) S²⁻

D) Si⁴⁻

E) S²⁺

C) S²⁻


Which of the following is most likely to make a -3 ion?

A) Al

B) P

C) Be

D) Se

E) Bi

B) P


Predict the chemical formula for the ionic compound formed by Al³⁺ and C₂H₃O₂⁻



Predict the chemical formula for the ionic compound formed by NH₄⁺ and PO₄³⁻



Predict the chemical formula for the ionic compound formed by the elements K and S



Classify the following compounds as ionic or covalent: KCl, CrCl₃, Cl₂O.

A) Ionic, covalent, covalent.

B) Ionic, ionic, covalent.

C) Covalent, covalent, ionic.

D) Ionic, covalent, ionic.

B) Ionic, ionic, covalent.


Which of the following is best classified as an ionic compound?

A) S₄N₄

B) SO₃

C) ZnS

D) S₂F₁₀

C) ZnS


Which of the following compounds does NOT exhibit covalent bonding?A) CO₂


C) CoCl₂


E) Na₂CO₃

C) CoCl₂


What is the correct IUPAC name for CaS?

calcium sulfide


What is the correct IUPAC name for Mg₃P₂?

magnesium phosphide


What is the correct IUPAC name for Cr₂O₃?

chromium(III) oxide


What is the correct IUPAC name for Cu₂S?

copper(I) sulfide


What is the correct IUPAC name for Mg₃(PO₄)₂?

magnesium phosphate


What is the correct IUPAC name for CuSO₃?

copper(II) sulfite


What is the correct IUPAC name for Sn(CO₃)₂?

tin(IV) carbonate


What is the correct IUPAC name for S₂F₈?

disulfur octafluoride


What is the correct IUPAC name for SeF₂?

selenium difluoride


What is the correct IUPAC name for NI₃?

nitrogen triiodide


Write the chemical formula for the carbonate ion



Write the chemical formula for the hydrogen phosphate ion



Write the chemical formula for the hydroxide ion



Write the chemical formula for the nitrate ion



Write the chemical formula for the sulfate ion



Write the chemical formula for aluminum fluoride



Write the chemical formula for cobalt(II) oxide



Write the chemical formula for bromine pentachloride



Write the chemical formula for diphosphorus pentabromide



What is the correct formula for barium phosphate?

A) BaPO₄

B) Ba₂PO₄

C) Ba₂(PO₄)₃

D) Ba₃(PO₄)₂

D) Ba₃(PO₄)₂


What is the correct formula for calcium oxide?

A) CaO₂

B) CaO

C) Ca₂O

D) Ca₂O₃

B) CaO


Which has the correct name-formula combination?

A) Barium oxide - BaO

B) Lithium nitride - LiN

C) Aluminum sulfide - AlS

D) Rubidium phosphide - RbP

A) Barium oxide - BaO


What is the value of Avogadro's number?

6.022 × 10²³


Determine the mass in grams of 3.00 × 10²¹ atoms of arsenic. (The mass of one mole of arsenic is 74.92 g.)

0.373 g


Determine the number of atoms in 51.0 grams of sodium, Na. (The mass of one mole of sodium is 22.99 g.)

1.34 × 10²⁴ atoms


Determine the molar mass of Cr₃(PO₄)₂.

345.94 g/mol


How many atoms of zirconium are in 0.3521mol of ZrSiO₄?

2.120 × 10²³ atoms Zr.


Determine the mass in grams of

1.6 × 10⁻³mol glucose, C₆H₁₂O₆

0.29 g C₆H₁₂O₆.


How many atoms are in 1.2 mol of carbon?

7.2 × 10²³ atoms


Which of the following represents the generic form of a single-displacement reaction?

A) A + BX → AX + B

B) AB → A + B

C) AX + BY → AY + BX

D) A + B → AB

A) A + BX → AX + B


Which of the following represents the generic form of a double-displacement reaction?

A) A + B → AB

B) A + BX → AX + B

C) AX + BY → AY + BX

D) AB → A + B

C) AX + BY → AY + BX


What type of reaction is represented by the following equation:

C₄H₈(g) + 6O₂(g) → 4CO₂(g) + 4H₂O(g)

A) acid-base

B) decomposition

C) precipitation

D) redox (oxidation-reduction)

D) redox (oxidation-reduction)


Balance the following chemical equation (if necessary):


2 BF₃(s) + 3 Li₂SO₃(s) → 6 LiF(s) + B₂(SO₃)₃(s)


Balance the following chemical equation (if necessary):


2 C₆H₆(l) + 15 O₂(g) → 6 H₂O(g) + 12 CO₂(g)


Write a balanced chemical equation based on the following description: aqueous silver nitrate reacts with aqueous nickel(II) chloride to produce solid silver chloride and aqueous nickel(II) nitrate

2 AgNO₃(aq) + NiCl₂(aq) → 2 AgCl(s) + Ni(NO₃)₂(aq)


Write a balanced chemical equation based on the following description: liquid C₇H₈O is burned with oxygen gas to produce gaseous carbon dioxide and water vapor

2 C₇H₈O(l) + 17 O₂(g) → 14 CO₂(g) + 8 H₂O(g)


How many moles of H₂SO₄ are required to completely react with 7.20 mol of Al according to the balanced chemical reaction: 2Al(s)+3H₂SO₄(aq)→Al₂(SO₄)₃(aq)+3H₂(g)

10.8 mol H₂SO₄.


How many moles of MnO₃ are produced when 4.30kg of oxygen gas completely reacts according to the balanced chemical reaction:


89.6 mol MnO₃.


How many moles of ammonia would be required to react exactly with 0.470 moles of copper(II) oxide in the following chemical reaction?

2 NH₃(g) + 3 CuO(s) → 3 Cu(s) + N₂(g) + 3 H₂O(g)

0.313 mol


How many grams of NO will be produced from 80.0 g of NO₂ reacted with excess water in the following chemical reaction?

3 NO₂(g) + H₂O(l) → 2 HNO₃(g) + NO(g)

A) 17.4 g

B) 157 g

C) 52.2 g

D) 40.9 g

A) 17.4 g


If 8.00 moles of NH₃ of and 10.00 moles of O₂ react in the following reaction, how many moles of which reactant will be left over? 4 NH₃ (g) + 5 O₂ (g) → 4 NO (g) + 6 H₂O (g)

A) 2.00 mol O₂

B) 2.00 mol NH₃

C) 8.00 mol NO

D) no moles will be left over of either reactant because both are limiting.

D) no moles will be left over of either reactant because both are limiting


If 33.6 g of NO and 26.9 g of O₂ react together, what is the mass in grams of NO₂ that can be formed via the reaction below? 2 NO (g) + O₂ (g) → 2 NO₂ (g)

51.5 g


How many moles of NO₂ would be produced from 4.5 mol of O₂ in the reaction below assuming the reaction has a 57.0% yield?

2 NO (g) + O₂ (g) → 2 NO₂ (g)

5.1 mol


If 50.9 g of aspirin (C₉H₈O₄) are produced from 79.8 g of C₇H₆O₃, what is the percent yield from the reaction below?

C₇H₆O₃ (s) + C₄H₆O₃ (s) → C₉H₈O₄ (s) + HC₂H₃O₂ (aq).

48.9 %


In the following reaction, which element in what species is oxidized? C₂H₄ (g) + 3 O₂ (g) → 2 CO₂ (g) + 2 H₂O (g)

A) C in C₂H₄

B) H in C₂H₄

C) O in O₂

D) This is not an oxidation/reduction type of reaction.

A) C in C₂H₄


In the following reaction, which element in what species is reduced? Zn (s) + 2 HCl (aq) → ZnCl₂ (aq) + H₂ (g)

A) Zn

B) H in HCl

C) Cl in HCl

D) This is not an oxidation/reduction type of reaction.

B) H in HCl


Convert 2.70 atm to torr

2050 torr


Convert 532 torr to kPa. Remember that multiple steps may be required in the conversion.

70.9 kPa.


The pressure in Denver, Colorado averages about 632mm Hg. How many atmospheres is this?

0.832 atm.


Convert 750.0 torr to atm.

0.9868 atm


How many atm is 23.4 psi?

1.59 atm


If a sealed, rigid container's pressure is doubled, what will happen to temperature?

A) The temperature will decrease by a factor of 2

B) The temperature will decrease by a factor of 4

C) The temperature will increase by a factor of 2

D) The temperature will increase by a factor of 4

E) The temperature will remain the same

C) The temperature will increase by a factor of 2


The gas in a 250.0 mL piston experiences a change in pressure from 1.00 atm to 2.80 atm. What is the new volume (in mL) assuming the moles of gas and temperature are held constant?

89.3 mL


One way to measure temperature in some applications is to monitor the gas pressure in a rigid, closed container. What is the temperature (in °C) of such a vessel, calibrated to read 1.00 atm at STP, if the pressure reads 1.25 atm?

68.29 °C


A weather balloon calibrated at 0.00 °C to have a volume of 20.0 L has what volume in L at -40.0 °C assuming pressure is held constant?

17.1 L


A sample of 2.00 mol of gas in a 10.00 L container is at 45.0 °C. What is the pressure (in atm) of the gas?

5.22 atm


15.0 L of an ideal gas at 298 K and 3.36 atm are heated to 383 K with a new pressure of 6.00 atm. What is the new volume in liters?

10.8 L


Which one of the following is NOT a statement of the Kinetic Molecular Theory?

A) Gas particles will be attracted to one another.

B) The volume available to the gas particles is equal to the volume of the container.

C) The measured pressure is from collisions of the gas particles with the walls of the container.

D) The average kinetic energy is proportional to the temperature of the system.

A) Gas particles will be attracted to one another.


Convert 23.4 kJ to calories

5590 cal.


How many J are there in 30.0 kcal? (1 cal = 4.184 J)

1.26 × 10⁵ J OR 125520 J


Which of the following represents an example of kinetic energy?

A) a ball at the top of a hill.

B) A ball rolling down a hill.

C) A ball at the bottom of a hill.

B) A ball rolling down a hill.


An exothermic reaction causes the surroundings to

A) warm up

B) become acidic

C) condense

D) decrease in temperature

E) release CO₂

A) warm up


Which one of the following processes is endothermic?

A) Boiling a liquid.

B) Freezing a solid.

C) Condensation of a gas into a liquid.

D) Condensation of a gas into a solid.

A) Boiling a liquid.


Which one of the equations below is an endothermic reaction?

A) SrO (s) + CO₂ (g) → SrCO₃ (s)∆H° = -234 kJ/mol

B) H₂ (g) + F₂ (g) → 2 HF (g) ∆H° = -79.2 kJ/mol

C) H₂ (g) + C (s) + N₂ (g) → 2 HCN (g) ∆H° = 270.3 kJ/mol

D) 2 K (s) + 2 H₂O (l) → 2 KOH (aq) + H₂ (g) ∆H° = -393.1 kJ/mol

C) H₂ (g) + C (s) + N₂ (g) → 2 HCN (g) ∆H° = 270.3 kJ/mol


Which one of the equations below is an exothermic reaction?

A) CO₂ (g) → C (s) + O₂ (g) ∆H° = 394 kJ/mol

B) CaO (s) + H₂O (l) → Ca(OH)₂ (aq) ∆H° = -64 kJ/mol

C) C (s) + 2 F₂ (g) → CF₄ (g) ∆H° = 141.3 kJ/mol

D) N₂ (g) + O₂ (g) → 2 NO (g) ∆H° = 180.6 kJ/mol

B) CaO (s) + H₂O (l) → Ca(OH)₂ (aq) ∆H° = -64 kJ/mol


How much heat (in kJ) will be absorbed by a 50.3 g piece of aluminum (specific heat = 0.930 J/g・°C) as it changes temperature from 23.0°C to 67.0°C?

2.06 kJ


What is the specific heat of a 75.01 g piece of an unknown metal that exhibits a 45.2°C temperature change upon absorbing 1870 J of heat?

0.552 J/g・°C


In a multi-electron atom, which orbital will have the highest energy?A) 4s

B) 4p

C) 4d

D) 4f

E) All are equal

D) 4f

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What element is designated by the orbital diagram below?

A) N

B) O

C) F

D) Ne

E) Cl

C) F

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What element is designated by the orbital diagram below? (Note that core electrons are not shown.)

A) Co

B) Ni

C) Fe

D) Cu

E) Zn

B) Ni


The ground state electron configuration of a Se atom is

A) 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²4p⁴

B) 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²4d¹⁰4p⁴

C) 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹⁰4p⁴

D) 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁴

E) 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹⁰4p³

C) 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹⁰4p⁴


Which element has the electron configuration 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹⁰4p²?

A) Si

B) Ge

C) Sn

D) Ga

E) As

B) Ge


What is the noble gas electron configuration of Ca?

A) [Ne]4s²

B) [Ne]3s²

C) [Ar]4s¹

D) [Ar]4s²

E) 4s²

D) [Ar]4s²


Which element has the ground state electron configuration [Kr]5s²4d¹⁰5p³?

A) Te

B) Pb

C) Sb

D) Bi

E) Sn

C) Sb


Elements that are most similar in their properties are found _____

A) in the same period.

B) in the same group.

C) have the same electron configurations.

D) to occur randomly throughout the table.

E) diametrically opposite each other on the periodic table.

B) in the same group.


Which element resides in the third period under group 4A (14) of the periodic table?

A) Ge

B) Si

C) Al

D) Sc

E) P

B) Si


Which of the following groups of elements tend to form cations?

A) Metals

B) Metalloids

C) Nonmetals

D) Noble gases

E) Radioactive elements

A) Metals


Which of the following atom(s) below has/have five valence electrons?

A) C

B) N

C) O

D) F

E) All of the above

B) N


Which of the following atom(s) below has/have five valence electrons?

A) C

B) N

C) O

D) F

E) All of the above

B) N


Which periodic trend quantifies the amount of energy required to remove an electron from a neutral, gaseous atom?

A) Atomic Radius

B) Ionization Energy

C) Ionic Radius

D) Electron Affinity

E) Electronegativity

B) Ionization Energy


Which of the following transition metals would be expected to have the smallest atomic radius?

A) Yttrium (Y)

B) Zirconium (Zr)

C) Niobium (Nb)

D) Technetium (Tc)

E) Ruthenium (Ru)

E) Ruthenium (Ru)


Rank the following atoms in order of increasing first ionization energies (i.e., lowest to highest): Rb, F, Mg, B, N.

A) F < N < B < Mg < Rb

B) Rb < Mg < F < N < B

C) Mg < Rb < F < N < B

D) Rb < Mg < B < N < FE) Rb > B > N > F > Mg

D) Rb < Mg < B < N < F

card image

Which of the following is the correct Lewis symbol for a neutral atom of F?A) see problem image

B) see problem image

C) see problem image

D) see problem image

B) see problem image

card image

Which of the following is the correct Lewis symbol for a neutral atom of Mg?

A) see problem image

B) see problem image

C) see problem image

D) see problem image

B) see problem image


Which of the following is an example of an ionic bond?

A) K - F

B) C - H

C) Kr - H

D) C - F

A) K - F


Which of the following is an example of a covalent bond?

A) K - Cl

B) Al - Cl

C) H - Cl

D) Al - Al

C) H - Cl


Which one of the following is the most electronegative atom?

A) C

B) N

C) O

D) F

D) F


Which one of the following statements is FALSE?

A) Ionic bonding results from the transfer of electrons from one atom to another

B) Dipole moments result from the unequal distribution of electrons in a molecule

C) The electrons in a polar bond are found nearer to the more electronegative element

D) A molecule with very polar bonds can be nonpolar

E) Linear molecules cannot have a net dipole moment

E) Linear molecules cannot have a net dipole moment


Which of the following bonds is a nonpolar covalent bond?

A) H - F

B) N - F

C) F - Cl

D) F - F

D) F - F


Based on their positions in the periodic table, which of the following bonds is the most polar?

A) O - F

B) C - F

C) B - F

D) F - F

C) B - F


Which of the following is the strongest type of bond?

A) a single bond

B) a double bond

C) a triple bond

C) a triple bond


Draw the Lewis structure of CS₂ and then determine the number of nonbonding electron pairs on the central atom.

card image

A) 0


Draw the Lewis structure of PF₃ and then determine the number of nonbonding electron pairs on the central atom.

A) 0

B) 1

C) 2

D) 4

E) 6

card image

B) 1

card image

Determine the number of valence electrons in HCN and then draw the corresponding Lewis structure.

A) 13

B) 12

C) 10

D) 9

E) 7

C) 10


The Lewis structure for acetic acid (CH₃COOH) shown below is incorrect. Starting from this structure, complete the correct structure.

card image


Determine the number of valence electrons in ethanol (C₂H₅OH) and then draw the corresponding Lewis structure.

A) 24

B) 22

C) 17

D) 20

E) 23

card image

D) 20


What is the correct molecular geometry of NH₃ according to Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory?

A) trigonal planar

B) trigonal pyramidal (pyramidal)

C) bent

D) tetrahedral

B) trigonal pyramidal (pyramidal)


Draw the Lewis structure of CBr₄ and then determine its electron domain and molecular geometries.

A) trigonal / planar

B) linear / trigonal pyramidal

C) tetrahedral / tetrahedral

D) planar / trigonalE) planar / tetrahedral+

card image

C) tetrahedral / tetrahedral


Draw the Lewis structure of H₂CS and then determine its electron domain and molecular geometries.

A) planar / tetrahedral

B) trigonal planar / linear

C) trigonal / trigonal planar

D) trigonal planar / trigonal planar

E) planar / planar

card image

D) trigonal planar / trigonal planar


Which of the following bonds is the most polar?

A) P - S

B) C - Cl

C) F - F

D) Rb - Br

E) All bonds have equal polarity.

D) Rb - Br

card image

A Lewis structure for a different isomer C₂H₂F₂ is shown below. Based on this structure, determine if the molecule is polar or nonpolar.

A) Nonpolar

B) Polar

A) Nonpolar


Draw the Lewis structure of carbon dioxide (CO₂) and then determine if the molecule is polar or nonpolar.

A) Nonpolar

B) Polar

card image

A) Nonpolar


The predominant intermolecular force between molecules of I₂ is _____

A) ionic bonds.

B) dipole-dipole interactions.

C) ion-dipole interactions.

D) dispersion forces.

E) covalent bonds.

D) dispersion forces.


Which of the following would exhibit hydrogen bonding in a pure substance?

A) HCl


C) CF₂H₂





Which of the following exhibits dipole-dipole intermolecular forces in a pure substance?

A) BF₃

B) CO₂

C) NH₃

D) Br₂

E) CF₄

C) NH₃


Which of the following represents the intermolecular forces present in CO₂?

A) dispersion only

B) dipole-dipole only

C) hydrogen bonding only

D) dispersion and dipole-dipole

E) dispersion and hydrogen bonding

A) dispersion only


Ammonia and hydrogen fluoride both have unusually high boiling points due to _____

A) dispersion forces.

B) dipole-dipole interactions.

C) hydrogen bonding.

D) ion-dipole interactions.

E) low molar masses.

C) hydrogen bonding.


Which of the following phase changes is endothermic?

A) Sublimation

B) Deposition

C) Freezing

D) Condensation

A) Sublimation


Which of the following has the greatest mass?

A) α particle

B) neutron

C) proton

D) β⁻ particle

E) neutrino

A) α particle


The equation below is best described as ___________. ²³⁵₉₂U → ²³⁵₉₃Np + ⁰₋₁e

A) alpha decay.

B) beta decay.

C) gamma emission.

D) positron emission.

B) beta decay.


Which of the following symbols represents an alpha particle?

A) ⁰₊₁e

B) ⁰₋₁e

C) ⁴₂He

D) γ

C) ⁴₂He


What is the product of alpha emission from uranium-238?

A) ²³⁴U

B) ²³²Th

C) ²³⁴Th

D) ²³⁷Np

E) ²³¹Pa

C) ²³⁴Th


Complete the following nuclear decay process: ²³⁵₉₂U → ⁴₂He + ___

A) ²³⁹₉₄Pu

B) ²³¹₉₄Pu

C) ²³¹₉₂U

D) ²³¹₉₀Th

E) ²³⁹₉₀Th

D) ²³¹₉₀Th


²³⁵U undergoes fission by one neutron to produce ¹³³Sb, three neutrons, and what other nuclide?

A) ¹⁰⁰Zr

B) ¹⁰⁰Nb

C) ¹⁰¹Nb

D) ¹⁰⁰Mo

E) ¹⁰²Mo

B) ¹⁰⁰Nb


When two He atoms undergo fusion in a star, the resulting element is:

A) H

B) Li

C) Be

D) He

E) All of the above

C) Be


Assuming only one product forms, what nuclide is produced from the fusion reaction between ³H and ⁴He?A) ⁷He

B) ⁷N

C) ⁷Li

D) ³N

E) ³Li

C) ⁷Li


The process that powers stars is

A) fission

B) fusion

C) neutron emission

D) gamma ray emission

E) alpha particle emission

B) fusion