Week 9 - Chemistry Flashcards

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created 4 years ago by SkyRose
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HI is an Arrhenius acid because

A) it is a polar molecule.

B) it can dissolve in water.

C) it produces hydronium ions in solution.

D) it produces hydroxide ions in solution.

C) it produces hydronium ions in solution.


NaOH is a Brønsted-Lowry base because

A) it is a polar molecule.

B) it can dissolve in water.

C) it is a hydroxide donor.

D) it is a proton acceptor.

D) it is a proton acceptor.


The conjugate acid of H₂PO₄⁻ is

A) H₃PO₄

B) HPO₄²⁻

C) PO₄³⁻

D) H₂PO₄

A) H₃PO₄


The conjugate base of HPO₃²⁻ is

A) HPO₃⁻

B) H₂PO₃⁻

C) PO₃³⁻

D) H₃PO₃

C) PO₃³⁻


Consider the reaction below. Which species are conjugate acid/base pairs? HSO₃⁻ (aq) + HCN (aq) ⇌ H₂SO₃ (aq) + CN⁻ (aq)

A) HSO₃⁻, CN⁻

B) HSO₃⁻, H₂SO₃

C) H₂SO₃, CN⁻


B) HSO₃⁻, H₂SO₃


Consider the reaction below. Which species is(are) the Brønsted-Lowry acid(s)? HF (aq) + NH₃ (aq) ⇌ NH₄⁺ (aq) + F⁻ (aq)

A) HF, NH₄⁺

B) NH₃, NH₄⁺

C) F⁻, NH₄⁺

D) HF, NH₃

A) HF, NH₄⁺


Which of the following is a conjugate acid/base pair?

A) H₂O, NH₃

B) NH₄⁺, H₃O⁺

C) H₃O⁺, NH₃

D) H₃O⁺, H₂O

D) H₃O⁺, H₂O


Write the formula of the conjugate acid of the Brønsted-Lowry base, CCl₃COO⁻



Write the formula of the conjugate acid of the Brønsted-Lowry base, CH₃NH₂

A) CH₃NH₃⁺


Write the formula of the conjugate acid of the Brønsted-Lowry base, HCO₃⁻



Write the formula of the conjugate acid of the Brønsted-Lowry base, HCO₃⁻



Write the formula of the conjugate acid of the Brønsted-Lowry base, SO₄²⁻



Write the formula of the conjugate base of the Brønsted-Lowry acid, CCl₃COOH



Write the formula of the conjugate base of the Brønsted-Lowry acid, HPO₄²⁻



Write the formula of the conjugate base of the Brønsted-Lowry acid, NH₄⁺



Write the acidic equilibrium equation for HBrO

HBrO(aq) + H₂O(l) ⇌ H₃O⁺(aq) + BrO⁻(aq)


Write the acidic equilibrium equation for HC₂H₃O₂

HC₂H₃O₂(aq) + H₂O(l) ⇌ H₃O⁺(aq) + C₂H₃O₂⁻(aq)


Write the basic equilibrium equation for NH₃

NH₃(aq) + H₂O(l) ⇌ OH⁻(aq) + NH₄⁺(aq)


Write the basic equilibrium equation for PO₄³⁻

PO₄³⁻(aq) + H₂O(l) ⇌ OH⁻(aq) + HPO₄²⁻(aq)


Write the acidic equilibrium equation for C₃H₇COOH.

HA(aq) + H₂O(l) ⇌ A⁻(aq) + H₃O⁺(aq)


Which of the following has the greatest mass?

A) α particle

B) neutron

C) proton

D) β⁻ particle

E) neutrino

A) α particle


The equation below is best described as ___________.

²³⁵₉₂U → ²³⁵₉₃Np + ⁰₋₁e

A) alpha decay.

B) beta decay.

C) gamma emission.

D) positron emission.

B) beta decay.


The equation below is best described as ___________.

²¹⁰₈₄Po→ ⁴₂He + ²⁰⁶₈₂Pb

A) alpha decay.

B) beta decay.

C) gamma emission.

D) positron emission.

A) alpha decay.


Which of the following symbols represents a beta particle?

A) ⁰₊₁e

B) ⁰₋₁e

C) ⁴₂He

D) γ

B) ⁰₋₁e


Which of the following symbols represents an alpha particle?

A) ⁰₊₁e

B) ⁰₋₁e

C) ⁴₂He

D) γ

C) ⁴₂He


Which of the symbols listed below can be used to represent a beta particle?

I. ⁰₋₁e

II. ⁰₊₁e

III. ⁰₋₁β


A) I only

B) II only

C) III only

D) I and II

E) I and III

E) I and III


What is the product of alpha emission from uranium-238?

A) ²³⁴U

B) ²³²Th

C) ²³⁴Th

D) ²³⁷Np

E) ²³¹Pa

C) ²³⁴Th


²¹⁰Pb decays by emitting a β⁻ particle. What nuclide is produced?

A) ²¹⁰Bi

B) ²¹⁰Pb

C) ²¹⁰Hg

D) ²¹⁰Tl

E) ²⁰⁶Hg

A) ²¹⁰Bi


Complete the following nuclear decay process: ²³⁵₉₂U → ⁴₂He + ___

A) ²³⁹₉₄Pu

B) ²³¹₉₄Pu

C) ²³¹₉₂U

D) ²³¹₉₀Th

E) ²³⁹₉₀Th

D) ²³¹₉₀Th


An unstable isotope of Re-191 is a beta producer. What is the other product of the reaction?

A) W-191

B) Os-190

C) Re-192

D) Os-191

E) Pt-192

D) Os-191


What is the balanced nuclear reaction for the following process? Iodine-131, used to treat hyperactive thyroid glands, decays by producing a β⁻ particle.

A) ¹³¹₅₃I → ⁰₁e + ¹³¹₅₂Te

B) ¹³¹ ⃰ ₅₃I → ⁰₀γ + ¹³¹₅₃I

C) ¹³¹₅₃I → ⁴₂He + ¹²⁷₅₁Sb

D) ¹³¹₅₃I → ¹₁H + ¹³⁰₅₂Te

E) ¹³¹₅₃I → ⁰₋₁e + ¹³¹₅₄Xe

E) ¹³¹₅₃I → ⁰₋₁e + ¹³¹₅₄Xe


he nuclide Rn-204 is the daughter nuclide resulting from the α decay of what parent nuclide?

A) Po-200

B) Th-206

C) Hg-297

D) Ra-208

E) ⁴He

D) Ra-208


The Cs-131 nuclide has a half-life of 30 years. After 120 years, 3.0 g remain. What is the original mass of the Cs-131 sample in grams?

48 g


10 g of a radioactive substance was placed in an airtight container 50 years ago. When the container is opened, only 2.5 g remains. What is the half-life of this material?

A) 5 years

B) 25 years

C) 50 years

D) 80 years

E) 100 years

B) 25 years


One of the radioactive isotopes used in chemical and medical research is iodine-125, which has a half-life of 61 days. How long would it take for 0.25 g to remain of a 1.00 g sample of iodine-125?

A) 244 days

B) 122 days

C) 61 days

D) 31 days+

B) 122 days


One of the radioactive isotopes used in chemical and medical research is sulfur-35, which has a half-life of 87 days. How many days would it take for 0.25 g to remain of a 1.00 g sample of sulfur-35?

174 days


Polonium was discovered in uranium ores by Marie and Pierre Curie. Polonium-210 decays by emitting a single alpha particle. What nuclide is formed in this process?

A) ²⁰⁶Pb

B) ²¹⁰At

C) ²⁰⁹Pb

D) ²¹⁰Bi

E) ²¹⁴Rn

A) ²⁰⁶Pb


Which of the following processes decreases the atomic number by two?

A) gamma-ray production

B) beta production

C) positron-particle production

D) alpha-particle production

E) proton production

D) alpha-particle production


Which of the following processes decreases the atomic number by two?

A) gamma-ray production

B) beta production

C) positron-particle production

D) alpha-particle production

E) proton production

D) alpha-particle production


When ²³⁵U absorbs a neutron, it forms an unstable nuclide that ultimately fissions into smaller nuclides. What is this unstable nuclide?

A) ²³¹Th

B) ²³⁵Pa

C) ²³⁶U

D) ²³⁵Np

E) ²³⁹Pu

C) ²³⁶U


A significant difficulty in using fusion as an energy source is

A) the high cost of the reactants.

B) the lack of useful starting nuclides.

C) the extreme conditions required to initiate and sustain fusion reactions.

D) the high radioactivity of the product nuclei.

E) the disposal of waste products.

C) the extreme conditions required to initiate and sustain fusion reactions.


What type of nuclear process requires extremely high temperatures to occur?

A) Fission

B) Fusion

C) Transmutation

D) Neutron emission

E) Gamma ray emission

B) Fusion


When two He atoms undergo fusion in a star, the resulting element is:

A) H

B) Li

C) Be

D) He

E) All of the above

C) Be


Choose the incorrect statement about the fusion process.

A) Fusion reactions power stars.

B) Fusion is the basis of a hydrogen bomb.

C) Fusion reactions require extreme temperatures to initiate.

D) Fusion is the splitting of a nucleus into smaller nuclei.

E) Fusion is the combining of two small nuclei into a bigger nucleus.

D) Fusion is the splitting of a nucleus into smaller nuclei.


Which of the following is(are) the product(s) of the fusion reaction ²H + ³H -->?

A) ¹H + ⁴H

B) ⁴He + ¹₀n

C) 3n + 2¹H

D) ³H + ²H

E) 5n + 2e⁻

B) ⁴He + ¹₀n


The process that powers stars is

A) fission

B) fusion

C) neutron emission

D) gamma ray emission

E) alpha particle emission

B) fusion


A nuclear reaction in which a larger nuclei is split apart into smaller nuclei is called a _____ reaction.

A) combustion

B) combination

C) fission

D) fusion

C) fission


Which type of radiation has the greatest penetrating ability?

A) alpha particle

B) beta particle

C) positron

D) gamma ray

E) all radiation has the same penetrating ability

D) gamma ray


Which of the following represents the three main types of radiation ranked by increasing penetrating ability?

A) alpha < beta < gamma

B) alpha < gamma < beta

C) beta < alpha < gamma

D) beta < gamma < alpha

E) gamma < beta < alpha

A) alpha < beta < gamma