Chp 12 Flashcards

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created 5 years ago by ahern139
The Eukaryotes: Fungi, Algae, Protozoa, and Helminths
microbiology 1
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Which of the following groups of algae does NOT produce compounds that are toxic to humans?

a. Green algae

b. Dinoflagellates

c. All of these produce compounds toxic to humans

d. Diatoms

e. Red algae

a. Green algae


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of parasitic platyhelminths?

a. They are dorsoventrally flattened

b. They are hermaphrodatic

c. They are multicellular animals

d. They have a complete digestive system

e. They can be divided into flukes and tapeworms

d. They have a complete digestive system


A definitive host harbors which stage of a parasite?

a. Cyst

b. Larva

c. Adult

d. Miracidium

e. All of these

c. Adult


Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

a. Tick - Lyme disease

b. Mosquito - Pneumocystis

c. Mosquito - malaria

d. Mosquito - encephalitis

e. Tick - Rocky mountain spotted fever

b. Mosquito - Pneumocystis


Which of the following arthropods does NOT transmit diseases by sucking blood from a human host?

a. Lice

b. Kissing bugs

c. Fleas

d. Houseflies

e. Mosquitoes

d. Houseflies


In a food chain consisting of the following, which acts as a producer?

a. Fungi

b. Lichens

c. Protozoa

d. Slime molds

b. Lichens


Multinucleated amoebalike cells that produce fungus like spores

a. Plasmodial slime mold

b. Tapeworm

c. Euglenozoa

d. Cellular slime mold

e. Ascomycete

a. Plasmodial slime mold


The microspora and archaezoa are unusual eukaryotes because they

a. Lack nuclei

b. Lack mitochondria

c. Do produce cysts

d. Are motile

e. Don't produce cysts

b. Lack mitochondria


The cells of plasmodial slime molds can grow to several centimeters in diameter because

a. None of these

b. They have organelles

c. They distribute nutrients by cytoplasmic streaming

d. They form spores

e. The large surface can absorb nutrients

c. They distribute nutrients by cytoplasmic streaming


Which of the following statements about the Oomycote algae is false?

a. They produce zoospores in a sporangium

b. They cause plant disease

c. They form hyphae

d. They have chlorophyll

e. They reproduce sexually

d. They have chlorophyll


All algae are

a. None of these

b. Plants

c. Toxic

d. Photoautotrophs

e. Unicellular

a. None of these


Cercariae, metacercaria, miracidia, and rediae are stages in the life cycle of

a. Sporozoans

b. Nematodes

c. Cestodes

d. Trematodes

e. Sarcodina

b. Nematodes


You see acid-fast oocysts in a fecal sample from a patient who has diarrhea. What is the most likely cause?

a. Taenia

b. Cyrptosporidium

c. Entamoeba

d. Diatoms

e. Giardia

b. Cyrptosporidium


Below are several paired items referring to the heartworm Dirofilaria immitis. Which of the pairs is mismatched?

a. All of these are correctly matched

b. Dog - definitive host

c. Mosquito - definitive host

d. Dog - sexual reproduction

e. Mosquito - vector

c. Mosquito - definitive host


Which of the following systems in a parasitic helminth is not greatly reduced compared to free-living helminths?

a. All are reduced

b. Digestive system

c. Nervous system

d. Reproductive system

e. Locomotion

d. Reproductive system


Yeast infections are caused by

a. Saccharomycescervisiae

b. Penicillum

c. Candida albicans

d. Aspergillus

e. Histoplasma

c. Candida albicans


The life cycle of the fish tapeworm is similar to that of the beef tapeworm. Which of the following is the most effective preventive measure?

a. Refrigerating stored fish

b. Salting fish before eating

c. Not swimming in fish-infested waters

d. Cooking fish before eating

e. Wearing gloves while handling fish

d. Cooking fish before eating


Which stage immediately precedes the adult?

a. Miracidium

b. Metacercaria

c. Proglottid

d. Cercaria

e. Redia

b. Metacercaria


What do tapeworms eat?

a. Red blood cells

b. Intestinal contents

c. Host tissues

d. Intestinal bacteria

e. Plant matter

b. Intestinal contents


Amoebalike vegetative structures that produce sporangia.

a. Euglenozoa

b. Tapeworm

c. Cellular slime mold

d. Plasmodia; slime mold

e. Ascomycete

c. Cellular slime mold


A nucleated, unicellular organism; when you change the incubation temperature, it forms filaments with conidiospores

a. Plasmodial slime mold

b. Acomycete

c. Cellular slime mold

d. Euglenozoa

e. Tapeworm

b. Acomycete


Which of the following statements about fungi is false?

a. All fungi are unicellular

b. All fungi have eukaryotic cells

c. Most fungi are aerobic

d. Fungi are heterotrophic

e. Few fungi are pathogenic to humans

a. All fungi are unicellular


In mid-December, a woman with insulin-dependent diabetes who had been on prednisone fell and received an abrasion on the dorsal side of her right hand. She was placed on penicillin. By the end of January, the ulcer had not healed, and she was referred to a plastic surgeon. On January 30, a swab of the wound was cultured at 35°C on blood agar. On the same day, a smear was made for Gram staining. The Gram stain showed large (10 µm) cells. Brownish, waxy colonies grew on the blood agar. Slide cultures set up on February 1 and incubated at 25°C showed septate hyphae and single conidia. The most likely cause of the infection is a

a. Yeast

b. Dimorphic fungus

c. Protozoan

d. Gram-negative bacterium

e. Parasitic alga

b. Dimorphic fungus


Fungi, more often than bacteria, are responsible for decomposition of plant materials because

a. They have a fermentative metabolism

b. They can tolerate high osmotic pressure

c. They are aerobic

d. They can tolerate low moisture conditions

e. They prefer a neutral environment

d. They can tolerate low moisture conditions


Ringworm is caused by a(n)

a. Protozoan

b. Nematode

c. Trematode

d. Cestode

e. Ascomycete

e. Ascomycete


Seventeen patients in ten hospitals had cutaneous infections caused by Rhizopus. In all 17 patients, Elastoplast bandages were placed over sterile gauze pads to cover wounds. Fourteen of the patients had surgical wounds, two had venous line insertion sites, and one had a bite wound. Lesions present when the bandages were removed ranged from vesiculopustular eruptions to ulcerations and skin necrosis requiring debridement. Fungi are more likely than bacteria to contaminate bandages because

a. They can tolerate low-moisture conditions

b. They are aerobic

c. They prefer a neutral environment (pH7)

d. They cannot tolerate high osmotic pressure

e. They have a fermentative metabolism

a. They can tolerate low-moisture conditions


Which of the following statements about algae is false?

a. They use light as their energy source

b. All are unicellular

c. They produce oxygen from hydrolysis of water

d. Some are capable of sexual reproduction

e. They use CO2 as their carbon source

b. All are unicellular


Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

a. Diatoms - petroleum

b. Brown algae -algin

c. Red algae - agar

d. Dinoflagellates - paralytic shellfish poisoning

e. Green algae - prokaryotic

e. Green algae - prokaryotic


If a larva of Echinococcus granulosus is found in humans, humans are the

a. Intermediate host

b. None of these

c. Definitive host

d. Infected host

e. Reservoir

a. Intermediate host


A multicellular organism; the digestive tract has one opening

a. Euglenozoa

b. Ascomycete

c. Cellular slime mold

d. Plasmodial slime mold

e. Tapeworm

e. Tapeworm


Helminthic diseases are usually transmitted to humans by

a. Aerosols

b. Genitourinary route

c. Vectors

d. Respiratory route

e. Gastrointestinal route

e. Gastrointestinal route


An organism that can grow photoautotrophically in the light and chemoheterotrophically in the dark

a. Cellular slime mold

b. Euglena

c. Oomycote

d. Phytophthora

e. Plasmodial slime mold

b. Euglena