Fluorescein Patterns - RGP Lenses Flashcards

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created 5 years ago by OpticalNerd
updated 2 years ago by OpticalNerd
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Against the Rule Astigmatism

  • Touch along the vertical meridian.
    • Flattest Curve in the 90 Meridian
  • Pooling (clearance) along the horizontal meridian
    • Steepest Curve in the 180 meridian

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Flat Fit

  • Apical touch
  • Peripheral pooling (clearance)
  • Indicates edge lift

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Ideal Fit

  • Also known as Alignment Fit
  • Even distribution of teas/fluorescein
  • represents uniform fluorescein pattern, not an on-K fit.
  • Bright ring of fluorescein around perimeter due to flatter peripheral curve.

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Steep Fit

  • Apical pooling (clearance)
  • Central vaulting
  • Peripheral touch
  • Steep fit is sometimes called Apical Clearance Fit
  • Indicates a tight lens fit

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With The Rule Astigmatism

  • Pooling (clearance) along the vertical meridian.
    • Steepest Curve in the 90 Meridian
  • Touch along the horizontal meridian
    • Flattest Curve in the 180 meridian


Against the Rule Astigmatism

  • Touch along the vertical meridian.
    • Flattest Curve in the 90 Meridian
  • Pooling (clearance) along the horizontal meridian
    • Steepest Curve in the 180 meridian


Flat Fit

  • Apical touch
  • Peripheral pooling (clearance)
  • Indicates edge lift


Ideal Fit

  • Also known as Alignment Fit
  • Even distribution of teas/fluorescein
  • represents uniform fluorescein pattern, not an on-K fit.
  • Bright ring of fluorescein around perimeter due to flatter peripheral curve.


Steep Fit

  • Apical pooling (clearance)
  • Central vaulting
  • Peripheral touch
  • Steep fit is sometimes called Apical Clearance Fit
  • Indicates a tight lens fit


With The Rule Astigmatism

  • Pooling (clearance) along the vertical meridian.
    • Steepest Curve in the 90 Meridian
  • Touch along the horizontal meridian
    • Flattest Curve in the 180 meridian


Lens fitting philosophies

interpalpebral fit → lens sits between the lids and is well-centered

lid attached → lens is attached to lids and controlled by lids, sits more superiorly


Interpalpebral Fitting

An interpalpebral lens-to-cornea fitting relationship often refers to a lens that centers well and is positioned between the lids. It is often achieved with a slightly smaller overall diameter and steeper base curve radius than a lid attachment design.

- work best with wider apertures


Lid Attachment Fitting

The lens design includes an edge contour that sloped toward the lid to enhance lid-lens contact, often resulting in a slightly superiorly decentered fitting relationship.

- lid doesn't feel the lens with each blink because it slightly overlaps the lens

-Lid attachment RGP fits should show a thin, even edge-to-edge layer of fluorescein stained tear film that
exhibit alignment or slight apical feathering as well as less than 180 degrees of bearing in the
mid-periphery to allow for a good tear exchange with each blink.