A&P Midterm Review - Quiz 6 Flashcards

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Ridges of tissue on the surface of the cerebral hemispheres are called ________.
A) gyri
B) sulci
C) fissures
D) ganglia

A) gyri


Which brain structure functions to control the autonomic nervous system and to regulate body temperature?
A) hypothalamus
B) mammillary body
C) pons
D) medulla oblongata

A) hypothalamus

card image

Using Figure 12.1 Match the Following

1) Medulla oblongata

2) Pons

3) Hypothalamus

4) Thalamus

5) White fiber tracts

1) E

2) D

3) C

4) B

5) A


Which of the following best describes the cerebrum?

A) decussation center

B) executive suite

C) visceral command center

D) motor command center

B) executive suite


If someone spills very hot coffee (200°F) on their skin, they will likely perceive much pain. Which of the following receptor types is causing this sensation?
A) mechanoreceptors
B) thermoreceptors
C) nociceptors
D) chemoreceptors

C) nociceptors


Which of the following is NOT a function of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)?
A) Support the weight of the brain
B) Transport blood to brain structures
C) Remove waste from brain cells
D) Cushion the brain

B) Transport blood to brain structures


True or False?

Dorsal and ventral rami are similar in that they both contain sensory and motor fibers.



The subarachnoid space lies between what two layers of meninges?
A) arachnoid and epidura
B) arachnoid and pia
C) arachnoid and dura
D) dura and epidura

B) arachnoid and pia


The arbor vitae refers to ________.
A) cerebellar gray matter
B) cerebellar white matter
C) the pleatlike convolutions of the cerebellum
D) flocculonodular nodes

B) cerebellar white matter


True or False?

The terms fainting and syncope describe the same thing.



Starting at the spinal cord, the subdivisions of the brachial plexus are, in order ________.
A) trunks, divisions, cords, and rami
B) divisions, rami, trunks, and cords
C) rami, trunks, divisions, and cords
D) rami, divisions, cords, and trunks

C) rami, trunks, divisions, and cords


True or False?

Cerebrospinal fluid circulates within the ventricles of the brain and in the subarachnoid space outside the brain.



True or False?

Projection fibers in the brain mainly connect the right and left hemispheres.



Tactile sensation is a combination of touch, pressure, stretch and vibration. Which of the following is most likely the receptor type that senses tactile stimulation?
A) mechanoreceptors
B) proprioceptors
C) nociceptors
D) thermoreceptors

A) mechanoreceptors


Which category of memory is involved when playing the piano?

A) procedural

B) declarative

C) episodic

D) general

A) procedural


An elevated ridge of the cortex is called a ________.
A. gyrus
B. fissure
C. furrow
D. sulcus

A. gyrus


Vital centers for the control of heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure are located in the ________.
A. pons
B. midbrain
C. cerebrum
D. medulla oblongata

D. medulla oblongata


True or False?

Irritation of the phrenic nerve may cause diaphragm spasms called hiccups



What type of cells line the ventricles of the brain?

A) ependymal cells

B) neurons

C) astrocytes

D) epithelial cells

A) ependymal cells


True or False?

One functional center found within the Medulla oblongata is a respiratory center involved in the control of the rate and depth of breathing.



We can touch our finger to our nose while our eyes are closed in part because we can sense the position and movement of our joints as well as the length of stretch in our muscles. These sensations create awareness of our body's positioning. The following receptors are most likely responsible for this ability.

A) exteroceptors
B) interoceptors
C) nociceptors
D) proprioceptor

D) proprioceptor


True or False?

The blood brain barrier is the protective mechanism that helps maintain the brain's stable environment.



True or False?

The meningeal branch of a spinal nerve actually reenters the vertebral canal to innervate the meninges and blood vessels



Nuclei of cranial nerves V (trigeminal), VI (abducens), and VII (facial) are found in the ________.

A) Medulla oblongata

B) Pons

C) Hypothalamus

D) Thalamus

B) Pons


Inborn or intrinsic reflexes are ________.
A) always mediated by the brain
B) involuntary, yet may be modified by learned behavior
C) autonomic only
D) rapid, predictable, and can be learned responses

B) involuntary, yet may be modified by learned behavior


Nerves that carry impulses toward the CNS only are ________.

A) motor nerves
B) afferent nerves
C) mixed nerves
D) efferent nerves

B) afferent nerves


The process of linking new facts with old facts already stored in the memory bank is called ________.

A) long-term memory

B) rehearsal

C) association

D) automatic memory

C) association


True or False?

In most people, the left cerebral hemisphere has greater control over language abilities, math, and logic.



A patient is suffering from the inability to distinguish various types of odors. This patient may have damage to which of the following?
A) olfactory nerve
B) facial nerve
C) vagus nerve
D) hypoglossal nerve

A) olfactory nerve


Emotional memory ________.

A) involves your pounding heart when you hear a rattlesnake
B) involves remembering names, faces, words, and dates
C) involves remembering motor skills such as riding a bike
D) involves remembering a skill such as playing a musical instrument

A) involves your pounding heart when you hear a rattlesnake


The sciatic nerve is a combination of which two nerves?

A) pudendal and posterior femoral cutaneous
B) posterior femoral cutaneous and tibial
C) pudendal and common fibular
D) common fibular and tibial

D) common fibular and tibial


The frontal lobe is separated from the temporal lobe by the ________.

A) transverse fissure
B) longitudinal fissure
C) lateral sulcus
D) central sulcus

C) lateral sulcus


What groove separates the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe?
A) Central sulcus
B) Lateral fissure
C) Parieto-occipital sulcus
D) Longitudinal fissure

A) Central sulcus


The blood-brain barrier is effective against ________.

A) water
B) nutrients such as glucose
C) alcohol
D) anesthetics
E) metabolic waste such as urea.

E) metabolic waste such as urea.


Receptors that respond to changes in room temperature are found in the skin. Which of the following pairs of classifications below best fit the receptor type that is being described above?

A) mechanoreceptors that are also interoceptors

B) thermoreceptors that are also interoceptors

C) mechanoreceptors that are also exteroceptors

D) thermoreceptors that are also exteroceptors

D) thermoreceptors that are also exteroceptors


A patient has lost the ability to taste food. Which nerve may have been damaged?

A) the optic nerves
B) the facial nerves
C) the abducens nerves
D) the accessory nerves

B) the facial nerves


True or False?

The limbic system acts as our emotional, or affective (feelings), brain.