Adol ch1 Flashcards

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Kumar and Lata finished high school and some university before getting married and going
to work in information technology. They have two children and are able to put aside money
for their future education. According to the textbook, they and their children are involved in
A) assimilation.
B) a virtuous cycle.
C) globalization.
D) a vicious cycle.



According to the text book, a major reason that adolescents are especially affected by
globalization is that
A) their youth makes them better able to adapt to changing conditions.
B) the processes of puberty are impacted by worldwide pollution.
C) world trade standards forbid employment of children and teens.
D) All of the above.



The concept of stage-environment fit implies that
A) teens should make special efforts to adapt to their settings.
B) the theater has special importance for those in adolescence.
C) teachers and parents need to adapt their approach to the developmental changes in teens.
D) teens are particularly concerned about ecological issues such as global warming.



As Alana was reading about the physical changes of puberty, she paused now and then to
try to remember her own experiences and the ways they did and did not fit with her reading.
Alana is making use of a learning strategy called
A) managed distraction.
B) deep processing.
C) directed reminiscence.
D) the power of suggestion.



Like many of her friends, Emma got her first driver's license soon after her 16th birthday.
For her, this constituted a(n)
A) puberty rite.
B) normative transition.
C) delayed phase shift.
D) idiosyncratic transition.



When Brandon was 14, his parents separated and he moved with his dad to a new town. For
him, this constituted a(n)
A) equilibrium
B) stage change.
C) normative transition.
D) idiosyncratic transition.



Hannah, 12, is in 6th grade and is taller than most of the boys in her class, but has not yet
had her first period. Hannah would be considered in _____ adolescence.
A) early
B) middle
C) late
D) None of the above.



According to Havighurst, adapting to one's changed body is a major developmental task of
_____ adolescence.
A) all of
B) middle
C) early
D) late



Inventionism is the name given to the view that
A) teens are especially creative in developing new technologies.
B) the concept of adolescence was created to keep young people off the job market.
C) society needs to develop new opportunities for teens.
D) the Industrial Revolution gave teens an economic boost.



n ancient Athens, boys became full citizens at the age of
A) 12.
B) 15.
C) 18.
D) 30



The idea that the life stage of adolescence should be valued for itself was introduced into
Western thought by
A) Aristotle.
B) G. Stanley Hall.
C) William Wordsworth.
D) Jean-Jacques Rousseau.



Increasing numbers of teens graduated high school and went on to college in the 1930s as a
result of
A) nationwide "Stay In School" campaigns.
B) a lack of jobs during the Depression.
C) more widely available scholarships and loans.
D) None of the above.



Children and adolescents in Canada’s Aboriginal communities
A) will be more similar to developing countries in their population pyramids.
B) would have the same life experiences like mainstream Canadian children and
C) have interests that ally them with the elderly.
D) All of the above.



) In developed countries, _____ teens who finish secondary education go on to some form of
higher education.
A) practically all
B) about half of
C) four of five
D) only wealthy



Primary or elementary education
A) is basically universal in Asia and Latin America.
B) is basically universal in Africa and the Middle East.
C) is considered a useless luxury by parents in developing countries.
D) All of the above



In developing countries, _____ of those who finish primary school are likely to go on to
secondary school.
A) essentially all
B) very few
C) about half
D) only one in three



Why have observers called the 20th century in North America "The Age of Adolescence"?
Cite some demographic, educational, and social trends that contributed.

The spread of compulsory education contributed to age segregation and the notion
of "teenagers" as a separate category. The Baby Boom of the 1940s and 1950s gave teens a
greater prominence in the population during the 1960s and 1970s and created the notion of a
"Youth Culture", while the speed of technological change moved the society in the direction
of a cofigurative culture


If you had to choose a single issue as the most urgent one facing Canadian adolescents,
what would it be? Describe the important aspects of the issue. Why that one?

Issues cited could include: the changing nature of the family; the increasing
importance of peers; the lack of communication between adolescents and adults; teen crime
and substance use; and contradictory attitudes toward teen sexuality.


Discuss the ways the proportion of adolescents are different within the populations of
different countries. What are some implications of these differences?

Adolescents make up a much larger part of the population in developing countries,
which puts them at much greater competition with each other for education and work and
makes fewer resources available because of the relatively few productive workers.


What is the connection between the wave of urbanization in developing countries and the
setting in motion of a vicious circle for many young people in these countries?

As teens leave the countryside for the city, they lose the support and social controls
of the family. Unlikely to be able to afford to continue their education, they become prey to
economic and sexual exploitation. Their poverty and lack of qualifications makes it likely
that their children, of whom they generally have many at early ages, will be trapped in a
similar cycle


On the first day of class, Professor Parameswaran says, "We will look at adolescence as a set of interacting changes to the person that take place in interacting contexts." This most
closely reflects a(n) _____ perspective.
A) psychodynamic
B) ecological systems
C) behaviourist
D) checks and balances



The tendency for adolescents throughout the world to want to have the clothing, video games, and other goods that are currently fashionable is known as
A) status envy.
B) Westernism.
C) consumerism.
D) socialization.



Benito, 13, lives in the capital city of a Third World country. His parents are too poor to pay for school fees and uniforms for him and his brothers and sisters, so he quit school after 4th grade to go to work running errands for a neighbour who has a stand in the market. Benito and his family are directly affected by what the textbook describes as
A) globalization.
B) a virtuous cycle.
C) a vicious cycle.
D) a business cycle.