Nutrition 300 Flashcards

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created 6 years ago by annerobis
Exam 1
nutrition 300
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  1. What is the purpose of bicarbonate in pancreatic juice?
  1. Neutralizes acid in the chyme.
  2. Lubricates chyme
  3. Initiate fats digestion
  4. To promote protein uncoiling

B. Lubricates Chyme

  1. Treatment for constipation includes all of the following except:
  1. High fiber diet
  2. High liquid diet
  3. Taking antibiotics
  4. Regular exercise

Taking antibiotics


What is primarily absorbed in the large intestine?

  1. Vitamins
  2. Fibers
  3. Lipids
  4. Water and electrolytes

D. Water and electrolytes


Chymes moves from the stomach into the:

  1. Ileum
  2. Duodenum
  3. Colon
  4. Jejunum



The primary role of the large intestine is not digestion.

  1. True
  2. False



An essential nutrient performs a vital function in the body.

  1. Is only in foods from animal sources.
  2. Must be supplied by the diet
  3. Is not in empty calorie food

Must be supplied by the diet


Which of the following is an example of a “nutrient-dense” food?

  1. Donuts
  2. French fries
  3. Kale salad
  4. All of the above

Kale salad


What type of gut bacteria a person carries around can affect their health.

  1. Ture
  2. False



The study of how a person’s genes interact with nutrients is termed

  1. Genetic counseling
  2. Nutritional genomics
  3. Genetic metabolomics
  4. Nutritional nucleic acid pool

Nutritional genomics


In which organ is bile made?

  1. Liver
  2. Pancreas
  3. Gall bladder
  4. Stomach



Which of the following food is the most energy-dense per serving?

  1. ½ cup fresh strawberries
  2. 4 oz chocolate doughnut
  3. 8 oz fat-free milk
  4. 3 oz baked chicken

4 oz chocolate doughnut


Which of the following food is the most nutrient-dense per serving?

  1. Cheese nachos
  2. Iceberg lettuce
  3. Fat-free milk
  4. Soft margarine

Fat-free milk


Concerned about the toxic effects of added nutrients in fortified foods and supplement, when eaten in addition to staple foods, scientist established the __________________ category of the Dietary RefereceIntakes (DRI).

  1. Recommended Dietary allowances (RDA)
  2. Adequate Intake (AI)
  3. Estimated average requirements (EAR)
  4. Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (UL)

Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (UL)


Digestion of foods includes the mechanical actions of:

  1. Chewing to allow nutrients to be absorbed into the body through the tongue.
  2. Peristalsis waves to move the foods down through the digestive tract.
  3. The stomach to gently release foods into the large intestine.
  4. The small intestine to absorb water and create a bacterial paste that forms feces.

Peristalsis waves to move the foods down through the digestive tract.


Digestion of macronutrients begins in the mouth with enzyme action on:

  1. Starches by designated carbohydrases
  2. Proteins by designated proteases
  3. A and b
  4. A and c

A and c


Which vitamins/minerals are enriched in most processed grain products in the US?

  1. Calcium, Vitamins A and D, and Iron
  2. Vitamins B1, 2, 3, folate, and Iron
  3. Vitamin B1,2,3, folate and zinc
  4. B12, folate, zinc, copper, and Vitamin E

Vitamins B1, 2, 3, folate, and Iron


How is the RDA for almost all vitamin and mineral intakes set?

  1. Low, to reduce the risk of toxicity
  2. High, to cover virtually all healthy individuals
  3. Extremely high, to cover every single person
  4. At the mean, to cover most healthy individuals

High, to cover virtually all healthy individuals


A compound in cranberries may prevent some bacteria from clinging to the urinary tract and help prevent UTI. This compound is an example of a:

  1. Protein
  2. Functional food
  3. Nutraceutical
  4. Natural food



Into what region of the intestinal tract does the stomach empty?

  1. Ileum
  2. Cecum
  3. Jejunum
  4. Duodenum



Which of the following food is the most nutrient-dense per serving?

  1. Olive oil
  2. Frech fries
  3. Grape drink
  4. Kale



Where do both peristalsis and segmentation mostly occur?

  1. Small intestine
  2. Mouth
  3. Stomach
  4. Gall bladder

Small intestine


What are lacteals?

  1. Gastric secretory cells
  2. Products of milk digestion
  3. Intestinal lymphatic vessels
  4. Products of colonic fermentation

Intestinal lymphatic vessels


To identify early-stage malnutrition, a health professional would use which of the following parameters?

  1. Laboratory tests
  2. Anthropometric data
  3. Physical exam results
  4. Review dietary intake data

Laboratory test


Nutrition scientist measure food energy using what term?

  1. Calories (kcal)
  2. Kilograms
  3. Grams
  4. Units of weight



The percentage of the daily values on food packages are given in terms of a person requiring ________________ calories each day.

  1. 2,000
  2. 2,500
  3. 3,000
  4. 3,500



Which of the following nutrient is a micronutrient?

  1. Fat
  2. Iron
  3. Water
  4. Protein



All of the following must be printed on a food label except:

  1. Uniform serving size compared with similar products.
  2. Potassium, folic acid, and chloride levels.
  3. Name and address of the manufacturer or distributor.
  4. Ingredients (in descending order by weight)

Potassium, folic acid, and chloride levels.


The purpose of the villi and microvilli in the intestinal tract is to:

  1. Move food components through the intestinal tract to be removed from the body.
  2. Reduce the absorbing surface of the intestines.
  3. Trap the nutrient particles and absorb them into the cells.
  4. Prevent nutrients from being absorbed.

Trap the nutrient particles and absorb them into the cells.


Which nutrient induces bile release?

  1. Protein
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Vitamins
  4. Fats



In nutrition, the word essential means:

  1. Necessary for good health and proper functioning of the body.
  2. An essential nutrient MUST be supplied bt the diet.
  3. That the body CAN manufacture the nutrient from raw materials.
  4. Compounds the body CAN make for itself.

An essential nutrient MUST be supplied bt the diet.


When we do not consume enough of a nutrient, we eventually develop a(n) __________________.

  1. Deficiency
  2. Allergy
  3. Dependency
  4. Immunity



Which of the following people would not be covered by the DRI, based on assumptions made by the DRI committee?

  1. Harry, a 35-year old healthy businessman
  2. Cindy, a 21-year-old college athlete
  3. Robert, a with cystic fibrosis
  4. Joann, a 35-year-old female vegetarian

Robert, a with cystic fibrosis


Which of the following would most likely lead to a primary nutrient deficiency?

  1. Inadequate nutrient intake
  2. Reduced nutrient absorption
  3. Increased nutrient excretion
  4. Increased nutrient destruction

Inadequate nutrient intake


When the colon is not functioning properly, complications that may arise include:

  1. Constipation, which can best be relieved with laxatives used on a regular basis.
  2. Diarrhea, which can be corrected by colonic irrigation.
  3. Indigested foods from improper combinations that cannot be digested completely.
  4. Irritable bowel syndrome caused by stress and lack of physical activity.

Irritable bowel syndrome caused by stress and lack of physical activity


All of the following nutrients are chemically organic except:

  1. Minerals
  2. Fat
  3. Vitamins
  4. Carbohydrates



Which of the following substances is a nutrient that provides energy for humans?

  1. Alcohol
  2. Sugar
  3. Caffeine
  4. Thiamin



tudying how a persons genetics is related to their dietary intake is related to?

  1. Nutragenetics (nutrigenomics)
  2. Epigenetics
  3. Nutra-symbiosis
  4. Nutritional Schematics

Nutragenetics (nutrigenomics)


What is the purpose of bicarbonate in pancreatic juice?

  1. Initiates fat digestion
  2. To promote protein uncoiling
  3. Neutralizes acid in chyme
  4. Lubricates chyme

Neutralizes acid in chyme


Adding calcium to orange juice is an example of:

  1. Enrichment
  2. Fortification
  3. Enhancement
  4. Supplementation



Nutrient substances found in plant foods that show biological activity in the body are commonly known as:

  1. Folionutrients
  2. Inorganic fibers
  3. Phytochemicals
  4. Phyllochemicals



Which of the following terms was coined in an attempt to identify foods that might lend protection against chronic diseases by way of the nutrients or nonnutrients (e.g., antioxidants) they contain?

  1. Natural foods
  2. Organic foods
  3. Basic foods
  4. Functional foods
  1. Functional foods


The DRI committee recommended a diet that contains _______________ % of its calories from carbohydrate.

  1. 1--35
  2. 20-35
  3. 45-65
  4. 50-70



If a food contains per serving 20g sugar, 15g egg white, 30g cocoa butter, which food should be listed first on the food label?

  1. Sugar
  2. Cocoa butter
  3. Egg white
  4. Cocoa powder

Cocoa Powder


What is the most likely cause of an ulcer?

  1. Spicy food
  2. Stress
  3. H. pylori
  4. Fried foods

H. Pylori