PSY B 203 EXAM 2 Flashcards

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Under Standard 3.01, psychologists respect the __________ and ________ of all people

a) dignity, worth
b) dignity, rights
c) autonomy, worth
d) autonomy, rights



Standard 3.01 prohibits psychologists from unfair discrimination. Which General Principle most closely underlies this standard

a. Principle A
b. Principle B
c. Principle D
d. Principle E



Sexual harassment includes all of the following, except:

a. sexual solicitation
b. physical advances
c. verbal conduct nonsexual in nature
d. verbal conduct sexual in nature



Sexual harassment may be ____________ or __________ conduct that is sexual in nature.

a. overt, covert
b. verbal, nonverbal
c. active, passive
d. welcome, unwelcome



Dr. A and Dr. B, both psychologists are partners in a private practice. Dr. A has on one or two occasions patted the secretary on the shoulder when he praises her work. Dr. B hugs the secretary when she comes in to work and when he passes her will put his hand on her shoulder. Which of these actions could constitute sexual harassment?

a. Both
b. Neither
c. Dr. A
d. Dr. B



Psychologists do not knowingly engage in behavior that is _____________ or ______________ to person with whom they interact in their work.

a. biased, demeaning
b. biased, harassing
c. harassing, biased
d. harassing, demeaning



Psychologists take ____________________ to avoid harming their clients/patients, students, supervisees, and others with whom they work.

a. appropriate steps
b. reasonable steps
c. appropriate measures
d. reasonable measures



Dr. C has been providing therapy to a client for approximately six months. During this time, there has been no significant improvement in the client’s symptoms. Dr. C should consider all of the following options, except:

a. to turn to other techniques
b. to seek consultation
c. to continue with current treatment plan
d. to offer an appropriate referral



A psychologist refrains from entering into a multiple relationship if the multiple relationship could reasonably be expected to:

a. impair psychologist’s objectivity and performance
b. increase psychologist’s objectivity and performance
c. ensure psychologist’s objectivity and performance
d. impair psychologist’s objectivity and subjectivity



Boundaries are designed to do all of the following, except:

a. to prevent blurring of personal and professional domains
b. to prevent all self-disclosure
c. to create a safe place
d. to support effectiveness of psychologists’ work



Dr. F has a client in his private practice who suffers from panic attacks. During one session, Dr. F revealed that he has in the past suffered from panic attacks in order to help the client that he is not alone in experiencing these symptoms. This self-disclosure would be considered:

a. boundary crossing
b. boundary violation
c. ethical
d. unethical



Sexual relationships with individuals with whom psychologists have a current professional relationship are __________ unethical.

a. sometimes
b. always
c. never
d. occasionally



Dr. J works in a small, rural community in which he is the only psychologist providing mental health services. It is not always possible to avoid multiple relationships. Fried (2015) made all the following
recommendations for psychologists in Dr. J’s situation to help avoid unethical multiple relationships, except:

a. to ignore encounters in public
b. to process during sessions any feelings of discomfort
c. to discuss the nature and importance of boundaries
d. to obtain appropriate training related to duel role as community member and therapist



When psychologists are required by law, institutional policy, or extraordinary circumstances to serve in more than one role in judicial or administrative proceedings, they need to:

a. give up one role
b. explain that they can only fulfil one role
c. clarify the role expectation
d. not fulfil either role



Standard 3.07 requires psychologists to explain to both third parties and individuals all of the following, except:

a. role of psychologist
b. identification of the client
c. limits to confidentiality
d. payment for services



Dr. S supervises practicum and internship students at a local mental health clinic. During the supervision time, Dr. S requires that the students balance his personal check book, clean his office, and
at times collect his clothes from the laundry. Dr. S is engaging in an __________________________.

a. exploitative relationship
b. multiple relationship
c. inappropriate relationship
d. harassing relationship



The primary purpose of Standard 3.10, Informed Consent is to:

a. protect the self-governing
b. protect the psychologist
c. privacy rights of individuals
d. protect the self-governing and privacy rights of individuals



All harm to clients is foreseeable and avoidable.

A) True

B) False



Failure to terminate treatment when it becomes clear that continuation would be harmful is a violation of Standard 3.04.

A) True

B) False



All multiple relationships are unethical.

A) True

B) False



Conflicts of interests can extend to financial or other gains that accrue to psychologists directly or indirectly

A) True

B) False



The informed consent procedures described in Standard 3.10, Informed Consent, are often not appropriate or sufficient for consulting, or other psychological services delivered to or through organizations.

A) True

B) False



According to Standard 1.01, if psychologists learn of ________ or _____________ of their work, they take reasonable steps to correct.

a. misuse, use
b. misuse, misrepresentation
c. misrepresentation, use
d. misrepresentation, representation



According to Standard 1.01, if psychologists learn of the misuse of their work, they must:

a. contact the person who misused their work
b. sue the person who misused their work
c. take steps to correct the misuse
d. take reasonable steps to correct the misuse



If psychologists learn of misuse or misrepresentation of their work, they take:

a. steps to correct or minimize the misuse
b. necessary steps to correct or minimize the misuse
c. reasonable steps to correct or minimize the misuse
d. appropriate steps to correct or minimize the misuse



If psychologists’ ethical responsibilities conflict law, regulations, or other legal authority, psychologists should do all of the following, except:

a. clarify the nature of the conflict
b. must follow the law
c. make known commitment to Ethics Code
d. take reasonable steps to resolve the conflict



If a conflict between an ethical responsibility and a law or regulation cannot be resolved, Standard 1.02 permits the psychologist to:

a. comply with the law
b. comply with the ethics code
c. comply with neither the ethics code or the law
d. comply with the law if it does not violate human rights



Dr. Stevens was providing assessment services to a university disability center. The center has been sharing the results of the assessments with the students’ professors without the students’ consent. Dr. Stevens realizes this is a violation of the students’ confidentiality. Dr. Stevens needs to do all of the following, except:

a. to inform the center of the ways in which this action violates the Ethics Code
b. to not inform the center of the ways in which this action violates the Ethics Code
c. to take action to resolve the conflict
d. to make know his commitment to the Ethics Code



When a psychologist believes that another psychologist has committed an ethical violation, the ethical
issue may be addressed in a __________________ or ______________manner.

a. formal, informal
b. formal, legal
c. friendly, adversarial
d. friendly, legal



Professional and scientific misconduct by psychologists can do all of the following, except:

a. to harm coworkers
b. to harm the profession
c. to instill public distrust
d. to instill client trust



Dr. James has just discovered that his colleague has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. In conversation with his colleague, Dr. James learns that his colleague has decided not to take steps to provide for his clients if he becomes incapacitated. Dr. James should:

a. report his colleague to the local state licensing board
b. report his colleague to the APA Ethics Committee
c. talk to his colleague about the ethical violation
d. talk to his colleague’s clients



An informal resolution to an ethical violation would not be appropriate if:

a. substantial harm has occurred
b. the client is angry
c. substantial harm is not likely to occur
d. substantial harm is not predicted



Reporting of an ethical violation committed by another psychologist should be made if:

a. the violation has not lead to substantial harm
b. the violation is not likely to lead to harm
c. the informal resolution has been successful
d. the informal resolution has not been successful



Dr. Allen’s client has just informed him that she had been in an intimate relationship with another psychologist in the clinic, but that the psychologist had broken up with her. The client is very upset and
has asked Dr. Allen to take action against the violating psychologist. Dr. Allen should:

a. talk to the violating psychologist
b. attempt an informal resolution
c. report the violating psychologist
d. not report the violating psychologist



Standard 1.06 requires psychologists to cooperate with ethics committees. This cooperation may be limited by:

a. advice of counsel
b. confidentiality responsibilities
c. lack of knowledge
d. lack of commitment



Dr. G has received notice from the state ethics committee that a complaint has been filed against him. He may take all of the following steps, except:

a. to respond to the request for information
b. to see legal counsel
c. to ignore the notice
d. to ask for a deferment



If a psychologist is unaware of the misuse of his work and does not take corrective steps, he is still in violation of Standard 1.01.

A) True

B) False



Under the resolution in response to the Hoffman Report, psychologists may be present when torture occurs as long as they do not participate.

A) True

B) False



An ethical violation that has substantially harmed a client may be handled informally.

A) True

B) False



If an ethical violation is not resolved through an informal resolution, a formal complaint cannot be made.

A) True

B) False



Psychologists provide services within the boundaries of their __________________.

a. Experience
b. Knowledge
c. Competence
d. Education



Dr. Jones who has a private practice working with children has been asked to provide assessment services for child custody evaluations. Dr. Jones has never performed a custody evaluation before. If he
accepts this position, he will be:

a. practicing within the boundaries of his competence
b. practicing outside the boundaries of his competence
c. practicing appropriate to his competence
d. practicing within the boundaries of his experience



Under Standard 2.01b, psychologists have related obligations:

a. familiarity with professional knowledge, familiarity with scientific knowledge, appropriate skills

b. familiarity with scientific knowledge, appropriate skills, knowledge when to refer
c. familiarity with professional and scientific knowledge, appropriate skills, knowledge when to refrain and
d. familiarity with clinical knowledge, appropriate skills, knowledge when to refer



Dr. Brown has a new client with a psychological disorder that he has never encountered and has no training or experience in treating. He has been unable to find any trainings related to the specific disorder.
According to Standard 2.01b, Dr. Brown should:

a. treat the client
b. refer the client
c. hospitalize the client
d. dismiss the client



Dr. Lane’s practice has been limited to adult clients. However, she has been asked to consider taking on younger clients. Dr. Lane should:

a. refuse the offer
b. accept the offer and treat the younger clients
c. gain some relevant education and training in working with younger clients
d. talk to another psychologist who works with younger clients



When a psychologist wishes to implement new practices for which there is no generally agreed upon scientific or professional training, they should take reasonable steps:

a. to ensure competence
b. to ensure the safety of their work
c. to ensure the protection of their clients
d. to ensure competence, safety of their work and protection of their clients



In emergencies psychologists may provide services to individuals for whom other mental health services are not available, but they should:

a. continue after the emergency is over
b. continue as long as possible
c. discontinue as soon as the emergency has ended
d. discontinue as soon as the emergency has ended or appropriate services are available



Standard 2.03 requires that psychologists maintain their competency. This is accomplished through all, except:

a. lifelong learning
b. just practice
c. completing continuing education credits
d. obtaining supervision or consultation



Dr. Moore has just discovered that her secretary has leaving client files on her desk overnight. Rather than putting them back in the locked file cabinet, she leaves those she has been working on on top her
desk for the next day. As this could be considered an ethical violation, particularly violation of confidentiality, Dr. Moore needs to recognize that:
a. she is not responsible for her secretary’s behavior
b. she is responsible for her secretary’s behavior
c. she will not be held to an ethical violation due to her secretary’s behavior
d. only her secretary will be held to an ethical violation



Psychologists who work in environments where individuals may not be qualified to perform their duties should:
a. do nothing, as they are not responsible
b. do nothing, because it is the managements’ responsibility
c. discuss their concerns with other psychologists
d. discuss their concerns with those responsible for the assignments



Dr. C is going through a very nasty divorce. She has been attending numerous court dates in order to deal with the ongoing divorce litigation. Through this time, she has been attempting to see her client in her private practice at their regular dates and times. Dr. C is considering whether she should accept new clients at this time. Under 2.06, Dr. C decision should:
a. take on new clients, even if her personal problems will impair her competence
b. refrain from taking on new clients, even if her personal problems will not impair her competence
c. refrain from taking on new clients if there is a substantial likelihood her personal problems will impair
her competence
d. take on new clients if it will not impair her competence



When a psychologist becomes aware that their personal problems are interfering with their work, under Standard 2.06b they need to:

a. ignore it
b. take care of their personal problems
c. take appropriate steps to remedy the problem
d. continue with work-related activities



Multicultural _______________________________ is just the first step toward multicultural ethical competence.
a. ethical commitment
b. relevant knowledge
c. ethical knowledge
d. relevant commitment



A culturally competent psychologist should do all of the following, except:
a. to understand how culture is relevant to ethical decision making
b. to treat all clients the same no matter the culture
c. to understand how cultural competence influences psychologist activities
d. to integrate cultural sensitivity into ethical decision making



Psychologists must provide services only with the boundaries of their competence.

A) True

B) False



Psychologists may not expand the scope of their practice into new areas for which they have not obtained the necessary qualifications.

A) True

B) False



Standard 2.02 prohibits psychologists from providing services in emergencies if they do not have the necessary training.

A) True

B) False



Psychologists who use interpreters must ensure that interpreters have adequate translation skills and sufficient understanding of the psychological nature and ethical responsibilities of the duties to be

A) True

B) False