The Developing Person Through the Life Span Flashcards

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Kathleen Stassen Berger - 2011 - 930 pages

ISBN: 1429232056, 9781429232050

Edition after edition Kathleen Stassen Berger’s perennial bestseller, The Developing Person Through the Life Span, re-establishes itself as the most authoritative, engaging, and teachable textbook available for the life span course.  The new edition is no exception.  As always, Berger’s narrative st...yle and emphasis on diversity and universal themes speak directly to students. The book’s thoroughly updated coverage makes the latest scientific and theoretical developments about the brain, genetics, and cultural diversity accessible and meaningful.  And powerful media tools such as DevelopmentPortal, the interactive eBook, and the Video Tool Kit for Human Development give students realistic observational experience to further enhance their study. Watch a video interview with Kathleen Berger at

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Publisher: Macmillan


psychology, developmental, lifespan development

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