Essentials of Environmental Health Flashcards

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Robert Friis - 2007 - 418 pages

ISBN: 0763747629, 9780763747626

As the first title in the Essential Public Health series, Essentials of Environmental Health is a clear and comprehensive study of the major topics of environmental health, including: background of the field and “tools of the trade” (environmental epidemiology, environmental toxicology, and environm...ental policy and regulation); environmental diseases (microbial agents, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation); and applications and domains of environmental health (water and air quality, food safety, waste disposal, and occupational health). Perfect for the beginning student as well as the experienced health professional, each chapter concludes with study questions and exercises to engage the reader in further study. The forthcoming companion website for this edition will provide additional resources and learning aids, including PowerPoints, an instructor's manual, test questions, and flashcards.

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Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning


health & fitness, health care issues, medical, public health, nature, environmental conservation & protection

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