Pediatric Success: A Course Review Applying Critical Thinking Skills to Test Taking Flashcards

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Beth Richardson - 2010 - 335 pages

ISBN: 0803620586, 9780803620582

Organize 800 NCLEX-style questions on pediatrics and growth and development into body system chapters. Add a 100- question comprehensive exam at the end of the book, plus two 75-question final exams on the bonus CD-ROM, and learning and studying become easier...and measurable. Students use the RACE ...model to apply critical thinking to the question types theyll encounter in class. 1,050 questions in all, with rationales for both correct and incorrect answers800 in the text, including a 100-question final exam, and 150 on the CD-ROM. Bonus! CD-ROM with two, 75-question final exams, coded according to client need category, cognitive level, integrated processes, and difficulty level, plus testtaking tips for selected questions. Most questions written at application and analysis leveljust like the exam. Questions reflect the NCLEXs increased emphasis on pharmacology and medication administration, management, delegation, and patient safety. All questions field tested by nursing students. Nearly 200 new format questions spread across the text, final exam, and CD-ROMs and on the NCLEX.

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Publisher: F. A. Davis Company


medical, nursing, pediatric & neonatal, pediatrics, test preparation & review

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