Medical-Surgical Nursing Flashcards

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Kathleen S. Osborn, Cheryl E. Wraa, Annita S. Watson, Renee S. Holleran - 2013 - 2247 pages

ISBN: 0133458121, 9780133458121

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Extensively updated to reflect new evidence and improved standards of care, MEDICAL-SURGICAL NURSING, 2/e fully exposes learners to concepts... that are essential to modern medical-surgical nursing practice. It identifies and defines 58 key concepts associated with caring, critical thinking, research, nursing process, and health promotion; and weaves each of these throughout the text, establishing a strong foundation for practice. Through “experiential learning” techniques, readers become active participants, with many opportunities to demonstrate their understanding in diverse modern nursing settings. This edition’s content has been reorganized to support more efficient and intuitive learning. Major improvements include: tighter alignment with Institute of Medicine findings, including QSEN and Nursing Core Competencies; restructured coverage of Nursing Process/Patient Care Plans to support Gordon’s functional health patterns; and increased emphasis on prevention, community-based care, collaboration, and the role of nurses as key members of the health care team.

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Publisher: Pearson Higher Ed


medical, nursing

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