Risk: Doing the Ridiculous to See the Miraculous Flashcards

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Roger Archer - 2018 - 185 pages

ISBN: 123456789X, 9781234567897

“Risk” is all about living a faith filled life. Within the pages of this work you will discover the year-by-year history of the ups and downs of the happenings regarding Foursquare Church. There are no sure things in this crazy epic journey called life. The only constant we can hang our hope upon... is the name of Jesus. Christ has called us to live beyond what we can see and lean only to what He has said. In the parable of the talents Jesus was very clear about how He felt regarding those who would not risk. In Matthew 25:28-30 He states, “‘Take the thousand and give it to the one who risked the most and get rid of this “play-it-safe-mentality” who won’t go out on a limb. Jesus rewards those who Risk. Foursquare Church and its history is one successive detail regarding progressive risking on God and his faithfulness to reward said risk. I invite you to read and risk on God. You will find great joy in discovering the rewards of a life that is lived by faith.

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Publisher: BookBaby


religion, christian living, inspirational

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