Inter-Act: Interpersonal Communication Concepts, Skills, and Contexts Flashcards

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Kathleen S. Verderber, Rudolph F. Verderber - 2012 - 500 pages

ISBN: 0199836884, 9780199836888

Designed to help students understand communication processes in relationships and develop specific skills needed to create and maintain healthy ones, Inter-Act: Interpersonal Communication Concepts, Skills, and Contexts, Thirteenth Edition, retains the features that have made this book so successful...: a theory driven skills-based focus, an accessible tone and presentation, and a multitude of useful pedagogical tools. For this edition, Joseph Mazer of Clemson University (whose scholarship includes original research on social media) authored much of the new and unique social media content and Brant Burleson and Erina MacGeorge of Purdue helped to update the scholarship, while maintaining the skills-based approach that this text is known for. Lively and well-written, Inter-Act features numerous activities that enable students to relate their everyday experiences to their studies in communication. It also clearly illustrates how cultural, racial, and gender differences-as well as electronically mediated messages-alter what we should do to communicate effectively. With a strong focus on the importance of ethics, this leading text encourages students to develop their analytical abilities as they think critically about key concepts in interpersonal communication.** NEW TO THIS EDITION **Greater emphasis on social media, featuring new "Social Media Factor" sections and "Inter-Act with Social Media" activitiesUpdated discussions on theories and concepts Expanded "Skill Practice" activities at the end of each chapterChapter 3, "Intercultural Communication," has been re-titled and revised in order to focus on the relationships between conceptsChapter 7, "Listening Effectively," has been moved forward and placed before the chapter on conversation** SUPPORT PACKAGE FOR INSTRUCTORS **An Instructor's Manual provides pedagogical suggestions, sample syllabi, content outlines, discussion questions, chapter activities, simulations, and journal assignments (978-0-19-983689-5).A comprehensive Test Bank offers approximately 400 exam questions in multiple-choice, true/false, and essay formats.An Instructor's Resource CD with Computerized Test Bank includes the full Instructor's Manual and Test Bank along with computerized testing software and newly revised PowerPoint-based lecture slides (978-0-19-983690-1).An Instructor's Companion Website at is a password-protected site that features the Instructor's Manual, PowerPoint-based lecture slides, and links to supplemental materials and films.Now Playing: Learning Communication Through Film, 2012 Edition--Instructor's Edition.Course cartridges for a variety of e-learning environments allow instructors to create their own course websites with the interactive material from the instructor and student companion websites (contact your Oxford University Press representative for access).** SUPPORT PACKAGE FOR STUDENTS **A Student Success Manual features study tips; chapter outlines and summaries; review questions and answers; key terms; and critical-thinking exercises (978-0-19-983692-5).Now Playing: Learning Communication Through Film, 2012 Edition, available as an optional printed product, looks at more than sixty contemporary and classic feature films through the lens of communication principles.The Companion Website at offers flashcards for key terms, interactive self-tests, and links to a variety of communication-related we

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Publisher: Oxford University Press


language arts & disciplines, communication studies

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