Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual, Fetal Pig Version, Update Flashcards

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Elaine Nicpon Marieb, Susan J. Mitchell, Peter Z. Zao - 2011 - 960 pages

ISBN: 0321765591, 9780321765598

Intended for use with any A&P textbook, this best-selling laboratory manual features a wide variety of exercises and activities designed to meet the needs of any 2-semester anatomy & physiology laboratory course. Known for its thorough, clearly-written exercises, full-color art, and tear-out review ...sheets, this lab manual gives students a hands-on laboratory experience.     Note: This is the standalone book with CD. If the customer wants the book with MasteringA&P® they need to order the ISBN below: 0321735277 / 9780321735270 Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual with MasteringA&P®, Fetal Pig Version, Update Package consists of 0321753798 / 9780321753793 MasteringA&P® with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manuals, Update 0321765591 / 9780321765598 Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual, Fetal Pig Version, Update                        

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Publisher: Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company


education, teaching methods & materials, science & technology

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