blood vessels
tunica externa:outermost layer, contains collagen fibers
tunica media: middletunic, smooth muscles
tunica intima: endothelium, innermost layer
three layers of blood vessels from outside to inside
vasa vasorum
a blood vessel supplying blood to the larger blood vessel is called
continuous:gas exchange, found in brain, testes, lungs etc. least permeable and most common
fenestrated: active filtration and absorption, found in kidneys and small intestines
sinusoid: most permeable, found in liver, spleen, and especially bone marrow, lymphnodes
list the types of blood capillaries
arteriole > precapillary sphincter > true capillary and metaarteriole > venule
anatomy of capillary bed
veins; 65%
____ are the capacitance blood vessels that holds up to ___ of blood
100 - 140 mmHg
Normal range of systolic blood pressure is
rate, rhythm, volume, characteristics of an artery
when recording pulse, one should note:
blood pressure
force per unit area exerted on an interior of a vessel wall by the contained blood is called
pulmonary and systemic
the types of blood vessels circuits
pulmonary hypertension
high blood pressure in pulmonary vasculature is called
systemic hypertension
high blood pressure in systemic vasculature is called
vascular resistance
opposition to the blood flow is called
higher the friction, the higher the:
friction; higher
increase in blood viscosity will increase the ___ and __ the resistance
increase; increase
polycythemia will____ the friction and thereby___ resistance
decrease; decrease
anemia will___ the friction and thereby___ resistance
increase in the length of blood vessel will___ the resistance to blood flow
increasing the diameter of blood vessel will___ the resistance to blood flow
Resistance is____ proportional to length of blood vessels
Resistance is____ proportional to diameter of blood vessel
Higher the turbulent flow___ the resistance in blood vessels
blood pressure
Difference in blood pressure between any two points in a blood vessel is the
Rate of flow of blood is___ proportional to the difference of blood pressure at any two points in circulation
rate of flow of blood is___ proportional to resistance in a blood vessel
difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure
Define pulse pressure
increasing the diameter of blood vessel will___ the resistance to blood flow
blood flow = resistance/blood pressure
NFP = (HPc - HPif) - (OPc - OPif)
Net filtration rate from a capillary is equal to
blood pressure
force per unit area exerted on the wall of a blood vessel by its contained blood is called
the blood pressure in the capillaries ranges from to 20 to 40 mmHg
the coronary arteries arises from the
right atrium
the inferior vena cava brings blood from the lower regions of the body and empties into the
the major long term mechanism of blood pressure control is provided by the
reduction in lumen diameter of a blood vessel as the smooth muscle contracts is known as
the increase in lumen diameter of a blood vessel as the smooth muscle relaxes is known as
capillaries and tissue cells
exchange of gases and nutrients occurs by diffusion between the
circulatory shock
any condition in which blood vessels are inadequately filled and blood cannot circulate normally is called
precapilllary sphincter
which of the following regulates blood flow at the entrance of each true capllary
celiac trunk
the common hepatic, left gastric, and splenic arteries are the branch of which of the following atery
elastic arteries
which of the following types of blood vessels have the thickest tunica media of all vessels
walking on heels with pressure on the calf muscles
which of the following conditions may not develop the varicose veins
at any given time, up to 65% of the body's blood supply is found in
changes in blood pressure
most neural controls of blood pressure involve the input from baroreceptors that are sensitive to
the aorta
which of the following blood vessels is the most susceptible to atherosclerosis
the heart produces a hormone called atrial natriuretic peptide that causes blood volume and blood pressure to decline
the device used to measure blood pressure is called
stethoscope; sounds of korotkoff
the device used for listening to the breath sound is called___ and the sound produced by the blood flow through the narrow blood vessel during blood pressure measurement is called___ sound
baroreceptor control, chemoreceptor control, carotid sinus reflex, aortic body reflex
which of the following is a component of short term mechanism of blood pressure control?
right and left brachiocephalic vein
superior vena cava is formed by the union of which of the veins
celiac trunk
which of the following arteries gives rise to common hepatic, left gastric, and splenic arteries?
great saphenous vein
which of the following veins is the longest in the body
posterior intercostal arteries are branches of
medially in the upper limb
basilic vein (superficial vein) is located
femoral vein is located medial to femoral artery
which of the following is true of femoral blood vessels
right atrium
superior and inferior vena cava, coronary sinus, anterior cardiac veins are the major blood vessels entering the
right side of the head and neck and right upper arm
a thrombus in the first branch of the arch of the aorta would affect the flow of blood to the
external common carotid artery supplies blood to the head and neck
internal common carotid artery supplies the brain
subclavian goes to the upper limb
the aorta
ascending aorta
aortic arch
brachiocephalic trunk (right/left)
subclavian artery (left/right)
subclavian carotid artery (right/left)
common carotid artery (right/left)
internal/external carotid artery
internal/external carotid artery
subclavian artery
axillary artery
brachicephalic trunk
middle cerebral artery
internal carotid artery
circle of willis (vertebra artery, pontine artery, basilar artery, post cerebral artery,middle cerebral artery, anterior communicating artery, anterior cerebral artery, internal carotid artery, posterior communicating artery)
right subclavian artery
left subclavian artery
brachiocephalic trunk
posteruir intercostal artery
internal thoracic artery
brachial artery
axillary artery
radial artery
ulnar artery
celiac trunk
common hepatic artery
gastroduodenal artery
right/left gastric artery
splenic artery
left/right gastroepoploic artery
adrenal (suprarenal) gland
middle suprarenal artery
renal artery
superior mesentric artery
gonadal artery
inferior mesenteric artery common artery
common iliac artery
internal iliac artery
external iliac artery
femoral artery
popliteal artery
anterior tibial artery
posterior tibial artery
fibular artery
dorasalis pedis artery
external/internal jugular veins combine to give rise to common iliac vein, common iliac vein combines to give rise to inferior vena cava
external jugular vein
internal jugular vein
subclavian vein
superior sagittal sinus
inferior sagittal sinus
straight sinus
transverse sinuses
sigmoid sinus
jugular foramen
right internal jugular vein
brachiocephalic veins
axillary vein
brachial vein
basilic vein
internal jugular vein
external jugular vein
superior vena cava
median cubital vein
cephalic vein
radial vein
basilic vein
ulnar vein
left renal vein is longer, right renal vein is shorter
inferior vena cava
right suprarenal vein
left suprarenal vein
renal veins
left gonadal vein
common iliac vein
internal iliac vein
inferior mesenteric vein
superior mesenteric vein
popliteal vein
fibular vein
anterior tibial vein
internal iliac vein
external iliac vein
femoral vein
great saphenous vein
a set of capillaries arising from an organ,, that enters into another organ and breaks down into another set of capillaries
portal system